Physical and Mental Preparation for Childbirth

Physical and Mental Preparation for Childbirth

written by : MAKUKU - 31 Jul 2023

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Approaching delivery, pregnant women will probably think more about what physical and mental preparations that must be prepared. Preparing physically, mentally and everything before giving birth is not easy. Not a few pregnant women are confused about where to start and what to prepare.

Seeing this concern, MAKUKU together with Mama's Choice and MAKUKU Indonesia Obstetrician Consultant, Dr. Yusuf, held an IG Live with the theme “Physical and Mental Preparation for Childbirth” on November 28, 2022. Following is an explanation from Dr. Yusuf regarding physical and mental preparation for childbirth. Come on, see the following:

When is the best time to prepare physically and mentally for labour?

The best time to prepare for pregnancy and even delivery should be as early as possible. Even to prepare for pregnancy, every couple must check their reproductive health before pregnancy. This is to indicate the health of each. 

as time goes by, routine pregnancy checks in each trimester are highly recommended. In the first trimester, it is best to carry out a pregnancy check-up once a month to evaluate the health of the womb. Entering the second and third trimesters, the intensity of visits to the doctor will be more frequent. This is to see the welfare of the fetus in the womb.

What physical preparations are needed by pregnant women?

Weight gain in pregnant women increases by about 10-20%. Where the body of pregnant women needs time to adapt to the weight during pregnancy, it is important to ensure a normal body weight. Regular physical activity is required, especially starting in the second trimester or above 28 weeks. 

Physical activities that can be done such as pregnancy exercises, jogging, leisurely walks, swimming or low impact sports. Physical preparation with this exercise to help the breathing process during labor and more relaxed flexibility of the pelvic muscles. As well as easier opening during labor and as normal as possible.

Pregnant women will support the baby's stomach which weighs an average of around 2.5-3 kg. This can make the pelvic muscles of pregnant women more tense. By doing this exercise pregnant women can also maintain the flexibility of the pelvic muscles in holding the fetal head down. Likewise, the descent of the baby's head towards the birth canal depends on the pelvic muscles.

 What forms of support do pregnant women need?

Every pregnant woman has different problems and complaints. However, every pregnant woman will feel the same changes in her limbs and body shape. In addition, pregnant women will experience hormonal changes. The combination of these two changes can create psychological changes that can affect mood. So that pregnant women will be more easily sensitive, offended, cry and others.

Pregnant women need extraordinary support to understand the condition of their pregnancy. This real support or support can be from the closest family, namely the husband in the form of a little attention. For example, accompanying pregnant women to check their pregnancy to the doctor. That way, pregnant women will have a positive impact and will not go through their pregnancy alone. The psychological condition of a good pregnant woman will also have a good impact on the fetus in the womb. Moreover, in maximizing the nutrients absorbed by the fetus. 

 Is it true that pregnant women tend to experience drastic changes in mood?

Yes, pregnant women can experience mood swings. Drastic changes in mood are due to physical and hormonal changes that disturb the mood so that it is unstable. 

 Tips for dealing with mood swings in pregnant women due to hormonal changes?

One of the recommended tips is regular physical activity. With exercise, it means that all blood supply will run smoother and will produce endorphins. Higher levels of endorphins in the body will make the mood better. For normal people, endorphins will make life more passionate, as well as for pregnant women.

Can stress during pregnancy affect the fetus?

Pregnant women who experience stress can certainly interfere with the growth and development of the fetus. Because pregnant women who are stressed will be lazy to take vitamins and eat healthy food. If pregnant women continue to experience this, the baby's nutrition can be disrupted. The baby's weight is not as expected, the baby will be born with a low weight.

In addition to physical and mental preparation, pregnant women must also pay attention to the needs of the newborn. What are the tips for choosing the right diapers?

All of the newborn's organs, both internal and external, are not completely able to accept exports from their new environment. The immune system in newborns or newborns is also vulnerable. For this reason, prospective parents who are awaiting delivery are advised to ensure that everything used by the baby must be hygienic and clean.

With the condition of babies who have not good immunity, they are more susceptible to allergies. So, it is advisable to choose products that are used to have hypoallergenic properties.'s core SAP structure MAKUKU proven to minimize diaper dermatitis. The shape of the diaper itself must also be considered, considering that the newborn's umbilical cord is still wet. This condition can cause infection or bridge the transfer of germs from outside into the body. When it enters, it is very dangerous for the baby.

All series of MAKUKU SAP Diapers ((MAKUKU SAP Diapers Slim, MAKUKU SAP Diapers Comfort, MAKUKU SAP Diapers Pro Care dan MAKUKU SAP Diapers Balance Care) specifically for NB sizes have a special U Shape feature. This U shape is found on the curved front of the waist. So that the rubber on the MAKUKU will not touch the baby's umbilical cord, will not rub against it and trigger infection. Moms and dads don't have to worry anymore about caring for the umbilical cord of a newborn. Also choose diapers that have fast absorption, make the diaper surface drier and reduce contact with the sensitive newborn skin. (Aq/MKK)













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