Nutritional Problems that Children are prone to Experience

Nutritional Problems that Children are prone to Experience

written by : MAKUKU - 9 Mar 2022

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Every 28 February is always celebrated as Indonesia's National Nutrition Day. This important day aims to increase public awareness of the importance of fulfilling nutrition for a healthier and quality life, especially for children.

According to data from the Global Nutrition Report (2018), it is reported that as many as 22.2 percent of toddlers are stunted, around 7.5 percent of under-fives are thin and 5.6 percent of toddlers are obese worldwide. In Indonesia, based on basic health research data in 2018, the number of stunting under-fives was 30.8 percent, under-five was thin 10.2 percent and under-five was fat 8 percent. Referring to this data, the problem of nutrition in Indonesia is quite high.

The nutritional problems that are often experienced by children are thinness, obesity, short stature or stunting, anemia, lack of vitamin A and disorders due to iodine deficiency (IDA). One of the nutritional problems currently experienced is caused by consuming unhealthy foods. As explained by a pediatrician from the Atmajaya Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Ellen, if children do not get adequate nutrition and lack of healthy food intake, it will lead to health problems.

"If the child does not receive adequate nutrition, he is malnourished, his food does not contain sufficient and balanced protein, fat, and carbohydrates, then his nutrition may not be good," explained dr. Ellen.

According to dr. Ellen, nutritional problems in children are not caused by genetic factors. Nutritional problems in children can arise due to maternal intake since pregnancy. Moreover, currently echoed 1000 days of life which aims to prevent malnutrition in children. Because since in the womb, children have to get the provision of nutrition and nutrition.

"When a pregnant woman is malnourished, for example, has anemia, when her baby is born the risk of having a low body weight, the growth is also not good," said dr. Ellen.

In the first 1000 days of life, nutrition for pregnant women is sufficient for nine months, then continued with exclusive breastfeeding for six months. Furthermore, the provision of complementary feeding (MPASI) that meets the requirements so that in the first 1000 days of life the child's nutrition is good.

In order to fulfill nutrition and balanced nutrition, dr. Ellen provides tips in presenting a balanced menu for children. In addition, to optimize the growth and development of the little one, in addition to a balanced menu, it can also be added with the provision of vitamins and minerals, it is hoped that the child will achieve good growth and development.

“There are carbohydrates, there are proteins, there are fats that must be in adequate composition. Carbohydrates are generally 50 percent of the requirement, as well as protein and fat with a balanced presentation,” added dr. Ellen.

MAKUKU Supports Child Development

As a mother and child consultant, MAKUKU cares about the development of children in Indonesia. MAKUKU will continue to provide products including mother and baby products, powdered milk, complementary foods, children's clothing, toiletries, cotton products, and many other fields of high quality, quality and safety at international standards for optimal child development.

To get other information about children's health, healthy food menus to parenting tips, Mommy and Daddy can follow Instagram @makuku.indonesia.official and visit the website. (Aq/MKK)







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