Specialist Doctor: Peel and Complete GTM Problems in Children

Specialist Doctor: Peel and Complete GTM Problems in Children

written by : MAKUKU - 16 Mar 2022

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The problem of children not wanting to eat or the Close Mouth Movement (GTM) is almost experienced by every parent. Seeing the concerns felt by many parents, Makuku and Babyologist held an Instagram Live with the theme "Keep Calm Facing GTM During MPASI" on Thursday 2 September 2021 on three channels simultaneously. Collaborating with Pediatrician from Carolus Hospital, Dr. med. Peggy Yulia, Sp. A, to thoroughly explore the problem of GTM in children.

Before entering the topic of discussion, IG Live which was guided by Sherlly Yusuf, as the Chief Editor of Babyologist invited the audience to take a quiz with prizes for MAKUKU's superior product, namely Rovco Potty Training for three winners. The trick is to answer questions about the benefits of becoming a MAKUKU Family membership in the Babyologist Instagram comment column until September 9, 2021.

Causes of GTM and How to Overcome It

Eating for adults is a fun activity. But maybe it's different for the little one, there are those who like to eat whatever is given but there are also those who have to be persuaded in various ways to want to eat until children who have difficulty eating or GTM.

Many say that GTM is a phase of children's eating that is considered normal and left unattended. Because later the child will ask to eat by itself. Then is it really like that and when does GTM occur in children?

Dr. Peggy explained that this Shut Up Movement usually occurs when the child is sick so that his appetite decreases. Teething also affects GTM in children, bored with the same food, mood or mood of children during the pandemic. As well as the condition of the child's trauma to the food or the eating process itself. Preferably, the process of eating children is done in a pleasant atmosphere.

Parents should also be suspicious if a child's GTM occurs continuously and must immediately find out the root cause so that it can be resolved. Because, GTM can be a sign of a child experiencing serious health problems. Here are some medical problems that cause children not to eat as follows:

1. Gastrointestinal or respiratory structural abnormalities, for example in children with cleft lip or palate.

2. Narrowing of the esophagus so that the child cannot swallow large meals.

3. Disorders of nasal passages that are blocked or atresia choana and difficulty breathing and eating, which requires coordination between eating and breathing.

4. Mental neodesha or neurological or developmental disorders. For example, in children who have cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy and autism. Where the prevalence of eating problems is greater than other normal children.

5. Frequent vomiting, repudiation, crying in pain, it could be that the child has GERD. A condition when food goes down the stomach and back up into the esophagus and stomach acid causes a burning sensation in the esophagus area.

6. Tuberculosis is characterized by lumps in the neck and armpits of children that can reduce appetite.

7. Heart defects that make it difficult for children to eat.

Feeding Rules

Dr. Peggy reminded parents not to give up, get discouraged and keep looking for ways to overcome GTM. If the cause is not from the clinical problems mentioned above, most of the causes are wrong eating behavior. A study says about 30% of children with GTM are caused by the wrong eating behavior in children. The wrong eating behavior of children can arise as a result of not following good and correct feeding rules. Feeding rules must be applied to children from the time they are given the first complementary food.

“Because eating problems don't just happen suddenly, but through a process of giving complementary foods. So what must be considered is following the eating rules and feeding rules, especially for new mothers, “explained dr. Peggy.

These feeding rules must be obeyed so that your little one can eat. The three feeding rules are as follows:


Parents must create a child's meal schedule to be regular and structured. With the aim, in order to create a sense of hunger and satiety in the right child and get used to it. dr. Peggy suggests giving children three main meals a day. And also pay attention to when your child eats, try not to force and give food for a long time, which is only about 30 minutes.

“The rule for children to eat large meals is three times a day, then between these two main meals can be given an interlude or snack. When eating, only water is given and don't give milk outside of meal times,” said dr. Peggy.


Create a pleasant environment and avoid forcing children to eat. Forcibly cramming food into a child can traumatize and make a child avoid eating hours. A comfortable and free environment can help children focus on their eating activities.

“Parents or caregivers should not be distracted when giving food, such as being given gadgets, watching TV, being given toys and eating by bringing the children around. That's the least that should be done, "explained dr. Peggy.

Dr. Peggy said that it is better for children to sit down while eating and there should not be any activities other than eating. When eating is a moment where parents and children can interact with each other the most and devote attention.


People know that they have to get children used to sitting at the dining table. If the child is able to feed himself, let him eat alone or help him if he can't. If your little one refuses to eat, you can pause and then offer them back.

"If it's been 10-15 minutes the child still refuses, we should stop," he added.

Parents must pay attention to the quality and quantity aspects of the food. Provide age-appropriate food and its development and texture. Providing food that is not in accordance with the texture can inhibit oral motor development in children.

"We have to increase the texture of the food according to his age, starting from smooth porridge, coarse porridge, mushy food until finally one year old should be able to eat family food," he explained.

Dr. Peggy added that the ratio between solid and liquid foods in children should not be ignored. The food for children aged 1-3 years is 70% solid food and 30% liquid like milk. Meanwhile, for children who are picky eaters, where children eat little or eat with a certain texture, parents can try food training. Food training is introducing new foods to children systematically.

"If children don't want to, don't give up, because children need 10-15 times exposure to new foods until the child is willing to accept it," said dr. Peggy.

To be able to meet the needs of Mommy and her little one in overcoming GTM in children, Makuku Family Store as a one stop solution shop is now available in 18 points spread across Java with the best and high quality products. And every MAKUKU Store has a service to consult with a trusted and certified head store directly to be able to help choose products according to the needs and conditions of your little one.

Parents who shop at the MAKUKU Store can also have the opportunity to become members. By becoming a member, you can get a number of benefits, namely a 10% discount for selected products with lifetime validity. You also get the benefit of consulting via Whatsapp privately with experts in various fields such as obgyn, psychologist, pediatrics and others.

To get more information about MAKUKU Family, Mommy and Daddy can follow the official Instagram account @makuku.indonesia.official, TikTok @makuku.family and also official stores in several e-commerce sites such as Lazada, Shopee and Tokopedia.

Author: Aqiyu Purbosuli







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