Not Only Wives, Husbands Can Experience Fertility Disorders

Not Only Wives, Husbands Can Experience Fertility Disorders

written by : MAKUKU - 14 Mar 2022

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Having a baby is the dream of every married couple. But unfortunately, not all couples are able to make it happen. In this case, usually the wife is very burdened because it is related to fertility problems. In fact, fertility problems or infertility can also be experienced by husbands.

Infertility is the inability to get pregnant within one year, where the condition is a combination of subfertility (decreased chances of getting pregnant in one month) and sterility, namely the total inability to get pregnant.

For the chance of pregnancy, according to dr. Indra N C Anwar, Sp. OG as a Consultant Obstetrician and Obstetrician at MAKUKU Family revealed that a woman has a 20-25% chance of getting pregnant in one month. 63% get pregnant within 6 months, 85% get pregnant within 12 months, less than 5% get pregnant within the next 6 months and about 10-12% have difficulty conceiving or are infertile.

Factors That Cause Infertility You Must Know

Many factors cause fertility problems in married couples. Explanation of dr. Indra regarding the causes of infertility from the wife's side includes the fallopian tubes, ovulation, endometriosis, cervix, uterus and sexual dysfunction.

While the causes of infertility in husbands are influenced by abnormalities in sperm production, abnormalities in sperm production and maturation, varicocele (cryptorkismus, hormonal, infection, environment, drugs, idiopathic and genetic or chromosomal). In addition, due to blockage of the seminal tract due to congenital infection, immunologic or antisperm antibodies and nutritional factors. And, unexplained infertility.

Indra added that a man can be said to be fertile if his sperm is within normal qualifications according to the standards generally adopted by fertility laboratories. So, it must be checked whether the sperm meets the requirements for natural pregnancy or not. Factors that can affect both the number and quality of sperm include lifestyle such as smoking, alcohol consumption, excessive caffeine and obesity. As well as common diseases such as diabetes and thyroid.

Examination of Husbands Regarding Infertility

To find out about fertility disorders that can be experienced by men, dr. Indra says it can be done in several ways. These include collaboration with urologists and andrologists, accurate history taking and general physical examination including obesity, abnormal secondary sex, hypoandrogenism and Klinefelter syndrome.

The doctor will also perform a genital examination that includes the penis, testicular undescended, epididymis (infection or congenital absence), vas deferens, scrotum and inguinal. As well as special examinations by analyzing sperm according to standards, additional examinations such as hormonal (FSH, LH, PRL and testosterone), chlamydia and antisperm antibodies (immunobead).

Meanwhile, endocrinological evaluation in men is serum FSH/T/PRL, if the sperm count is low or abnormal. The occurrence of impaired sexual function and clinical findings are suspected to be due to specific endocrine disorders. Heavy oats and non-obstructive Azoospermia were karyotype (sperm count < 5 million/cc), microdeletion y (sperm count < 1 million/cc) and obstructive azoospermia.

"Infertility checks must involve husband and wife as a biological unit because the cause of infertility can be from the wife or both," said dr. Indra.

Indications for IVF in men and women

In principle, indications for IVF or in vitro fertilization (IVF) are performed on married couples who have not had children for a long time and have undergone other methods or methods of fertilization but have failed.

According to dr. Indra in men, an indication of IVF is a sperm problem. Namely severe oligozoospermia (< 5 million/cc), severe asthenozoospermia (< 10%), severe teratozoospermia (<1%) and azoospermia or no sperm found in semen. Whereas in women, the indication of IVF is a tubal problem. Where the occurrence of tubal surgery failure, unilateral patent, abnormal function patent and non-patent may not be corrected.

The conditions for pregnancy are as follows:

  • Normal sexual intercourse
  • Sexual intercourse on time or regularly
  • The cervix or cervical fluid is good
  • The oviduct is patent and functioning normally
  • Normal uterus or uterine wall
  • There is an egg that develops and ovulates
  • There are sperm with good quantity or quality

For comprehensive information about pregnancy, don't forget to join as a MAKUKU Family member, Moms! (Aq/MKK)


Indra N C Anwar, Sp. OG

MAKUKU Family Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist














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