All Things HPV Vaccine You Must Know

All Things HPV Vaccine You Must Know

written by : MAKUKU - 24 May 2022

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Some time ago the government established a cervical cancer vaccine or HPV vaccine as a mandatory vaccine for the national immunization program. The HPV (Human Papillomavirus) vaccine is a vaccine used to prevent cervical cancer.

According to the explanation of dr. Yusuf, a gynecologist and consultant to MAKUKU obstetricians, said cervical cancer is caused by the HPV virus. Cells in the cervix will undergo mutation changes if the cells in the cervix are infected with the HPV virus for a long time. The HPV vaccine is made from protein particles such as viruses that are inserted into the body for the purpose of introducing the immune system to remember that every time there are particles similar to this vaccine will be recognized and will be removed.

"When infection occurs, the antibodies have prepared a shield, so the virus cannot infect," said dr. Joseph.  

When you hear about cervical cancer, what comes to mind is a special vaccine for women. Even though this vaccine is also useful for men. The following sundries about the HPV vaccine that must be known:

How many times and when is the right time for the HPV vaccine?

Recommendations for administering this vaccine from children to adults, ranging from 9-14 years of age to 46 years. According to dr. Yusuf, during this age range, it is recommended to get the HPV vaccination to protect against persistent HPV. Regarding the dose, for children given only two doses. The interval between the first dose and the second dose is about six months.

Meanwhile, in the adult group, three doses were given. With the interval of giving the first dose of injection to the second dose is two months and the third dose of injection is given four months after receiving the last dose.

"The administration of each dose according to this age category is considered sufficient to provide protection related to lifelong high-risk HPV infection without the need for a booster," explained dr. Joseph.

What diseases can be caused by the HPV virus?

HPV is a virus that consists of several types that can cause cancer-related and non-cancer-related diseases. Dr. Yusuf explained that high-risk HPV can cause cancer. "Because the ability of the virus to bind to receptors in body cells is very high, so there will be mutations in oncogene proteins in certain organs in our bodies," he added.

The following types of cancer are caused by the HPV virus:

  • Cervical cancer
  • Vulvar cancer
  • Vaginal cancer
  • Penis cancer
  • Anus cancer
  • Nasopharyngeal cancer,

While various types of diseases caused by risk that do not cause cancer includegenital warts and chicken's comb.

How important is the HPV vaccine for women and men?

Dr. Yusuf said that every minute 1 woman in Indonesia dies of cervical cancerCervical cancer is the second leading killer of women in Indonesia after breast cancer. The high mortality rate from cervical cancer is usually because this disease appears without typical symptoms so that the examination is carried out late. 

Seeing the high mortality rate, the HPV vaccine is very important to prevent and reduce the risk of exposure to cervical cancer. This applies not only to women but also to men. Where the HPV vaccine can prevent several diseases as previously mentioned.(Aq/MKK)









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