Healthy Nutrition Helps Pregnant Women Be Stronger in the First Trimester of Pregnancy

Healthy Nutrition Helps Pregnant Women Be Stronger in the First Trimester of Pregnancy

written by : MAKUKU - 10 Jan 2025

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Nutritional needs and balanced nutrition must always be met, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. At 0-12 weeks of gestation, the fetus needs good nutrition to support its development.

Therefore, pregnant women should not choose any intake because they have to think about the growth of the prospective baby early in life. If pregnant women are still pregnant, the risk of health problems for the fetus can increase. It is possible that the worst things like miscarriage will happen if pregnant women neglect to determine their food intake.

According to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist (Obgyn) St. Carolus dr. Royanto Darmaputra, SpOG, fulfillment of nutrition in the first trimester of pregnancy is an absolute thing that must be applied by pregnant women.

The first trimester of pregnancy is the initial phase of formation as well as building a house. For this reason, dr. Royanto strongly advises pregnant women to be careful in choosing food.

"I am very fussy about food for pregnant women in the first trimester. Why? If it is like a house, the most important thing is the foundation. If the foundation is not strong, the house will collapse. It is the same with the first trimester of pregnancy which requires nutrition to support the early stages of baby formation," said dr. Royanto in an exclusive dialogue with Team Makuku Family some time ago.

The doctor, who is often called Roy, added that the rules for healthy eating in pregnant women are actually not much different from the time before they were pregnant. He gave an example of the food menu tagline '4 healthy 5 perfect' as a reference every time pregnant women eat.

According to him, the nutrients that pregnant women must meet during the first trimester of pregnancy include:

  1. Protein

    According to dr. Roy, the role of protein is needed so that all the raw materials for the formation of body tissues can be fulfilled. In addition, protein also plays a role in helping pregnant women's immune system not to get sick easily.

    "Why protein? Because protein is the main raw material for the formation of any tissue in fetal growth. Protein must always be met, at least 1 egg every day," said dr. Roy.

    In addition to eggs, recommendations for protein-rich foods that pregnant women must consume include lean meat, fish and also nuts or tofu and tempeh as a source of vegetable protein.

  1. Carbohydrates & healthy fats

    Carbohydrates & fats are known as the main source of energy for the body. Likewise with pregnant women, carbohydrate intake should not be missed so that activities are not disturbed.

    According to dr. Roy, carbohydrates and fats are complementary substances for protein to maintain the stamina of pregnant women and their babies in the womb. The physical and emotional changes experienced by pregnant women can certainly cause the body to become more tired.

    "So, if there are raw materials (protein), the engine will not work without gasoline (carbohydrates) as its energy source. The cells in the body will work when there is energy from carbohydrates and fats," said the doctor who graduated from medical education. at Tarumanegara University in 2000.

    Carbohydrate intake for pregnant women can be obtained from brown rice, whole grains, fruits and vegetables such as potatoes, corn and broccoli. While the intake of healthy fats can be obtained from fish, avocados and nuts.

    Although carbohydrates are a source of energy, pregnant women must limit the quantity of their consumption. According to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, pregnant women are advised to meet their carbohydrate intake between 300-350 grams per day.

  1. Vitamins and Minerals

    The most important vitamin and mineral for pregnant women in the first trimester is folic acid. This substance plays an important role in the formation of the baby's brain cells while in the womb. Sources of folic acid can be obtained from green vegetables, asparagus and avocados.

    "Inadequate intake of folic acid in pregnant women can lead to disability, disruption of the closure of the neural tube in the baby's bone marrow," said dr. Roy.

    He added, pregnant women need vitamins and other minerals such as iron, calcium and Vitamin B3.

    Iron is needed for the formation of red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body, including the fetus. Calcium is needed for the formation of the heart, nerves and muscles of the future baby. While vitamin B3 is needed to improve gastrointestinal function, and reduce nausea.

    "If the baby's iron deficiency will be easy to miscarry. The reference is simple, pregnant women should eat 4 healthy 5 perfect," said dr. Roy.

    Iron can be obtained from beef, eggs, seeds and nuts. Calcium that pregnant women need comes from green vegetables and nuts. While vitamin B3 can be obtained from animal protein including fish, bread and seeds. To complete a nutritious meal, pregnant women are advised to drink milk regularly.

Then, what are the dietary restrictions in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Roy said that pregnant women do not have certain dietary restrictions as long as they fulfill the '4 healthy 5 perfect' formula as mentioned above. In principle, he continued, food must be clean and hygienic.

However, there are some notes that pregnant women must adhere to, namely not consuming alcohol, smoking and also illegal drugs. He also advised pregnant women not to consume fermented foods.

"Whatever food we ate before we got pregnant, we can eat it as long as it has sufficient protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals and then added milk," said dr. Roy.

Well, for prospective mothers who are going through the first trimester of pregnancy, I hope the information above is quite helpful. Keep up with interesting information and other parenting tips through the website or follow our Instagram account at @makuku.indonesia.official

dr. Royanto Darmaputra, SpOG

RS Carolus Jakarta

dr. Royanto Darmaputra, SpOG

RS Carolus Jakarta














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