Sleep Quality Optimizing Children's Growth Hormone Children's

Sleep Quality Optimizing Children's Growth Hormone Children's

written by : MAKUKU - 27 May 2022

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Needs are not only about food and clothing, but also includes sleep which has an important role in 1000 days of life. Even the quality of your child's sleep can optimize growth hormones that have an impact on child development.

Keep in mind that growth hormone affects growth and development of children such as weight, height, to cognitive abilities. Maybe  Mom has ever wondered, why is the little one who eats a lot,his body is small and his height is below the average child his age. This can happen because the baby's growth hormone is not optimal due to the little one  not having quality sleep.

MAKUKU consultant pediatrician, dr. Andreas explained that this growth hormone functions to maximize the body's enzymes in absorbing food nutrients. So if the growth hormone is not produced properly by the body it can reduce the quality of life of a child. According to dr. Andreas  no booster to increase growth hormone.

"Growth hormone can increase properly by maintaining the quality of your little one's sleep," explained dr. Andreas at the MAKUKU Talkshow on V-Radio with the theme The Effect of Sleep Quality on Child Development, on May 25, 2022.

Dr. Andreas says that this growth hormone is produced all the time. However, the peak of the body's production of growth hormone is 10 pm - 2 am. Meanwhile, working adults are advised to take a nap of at least 30 minutes. The goal is to release stress which can increase growth hormone in adults.

 For this reason, it is recommended for children to fall asleep in that time. If your little one has a habit of staying up late, sleeping late or not getting enough sleep,  then the amount of growth hormone production is only small. As a result, children's growth is not optimal. Overcoming the problem of children who have difficulty sleeping, Novia Citra Dewi as a mom influencer has tips so that your little one sleeps fast and gets good quality sleep.

The mother of three children accustoms her children to nap around 1-2 hours and sleep at night starting at 7 pm and a maximum of 9-10 pm. He always does this consistently so that your little one gets used to and knows the hours of rest. In addition to this method, Moms Novia also uses MAKUKU Air Diapers Comfort as a support so that your little one doesn't wake up often at night and gets quality sleep.

“Choose the right diaper, MAKUKU Air Diapers Comfort fits perfectly on your little one's waist. So, there is no more drama leaking because the diaper is dry and durable and the absorption is also okay, "said Mom Novia. (Aq/MKK)












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