Here are 20 interesting facts about newborn babies

Here are 20 interesting facts about newborn babies

written by : MAKUKU - 23 Nov 2023

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The birth of a baby not only brings a lot of happiness but also "surprises" for the parents who care for them. These surprises are related to new things that happen during the baby's early life in the world. That is the reason why many parents feel surprised and amazed when their baby does something unexpected.

So, what are some facts about newborns that you need to know? Let's check out the full facts in this article.

20 interesting facts about newborns

Knowing these facts can help parents better understand newborn development and provide care that suits their needs.  Here are some interesting facts about newborns and their development:

1. Babies Learn to Talk Since the Womb

The process of learning to talk in babies actually starts in the womb. In the third trimester of pregnancy, around the 7th to 9th month, the baby has developed hearing ability and is able to hear sounds from the surrounding environment, including the mother's voice.

2. Newborn Crying Without Shedding Tears

In general, newborns are not yet able to shed tears in the same sense as adults. However, they have their own ways of dealing with discomfort, hunger, or dissatisfaction in various ways, including moaning and screaming.

3. Babies Have More Bones than Adults

Newborns have about 300 bones that will continue to grow and change shape every day. While adults have about 206 bones that make up 15 percent of their body weight.

4. Newborns Have Birthmarks

In general, newborns have birthmarks. These birthmarks are formed when small blood vessels under the skin expand during labor. So that various shapes, colors and sizes appear. Usually, as the baby gets older, the birthmark may disappear or even remain.

5. Limited Newborn Vision

In newborns, opening the eyes and vision is still blurred. Babies can only focus on objects that are only about 20-30 cm away from their face. Or the carcass is like the distance between mom and baby when feeding.

6. Newborns Need Lots of Sleep

Newborns do have very different sleep patterns from adults. Infants' sleep times vary widely, and the stated sleep duration (18-22 hours) can include short periods of sleep, waking, and time spent breastfeeding.

7. Newborns Put Anything in Their Mouths

A study mentioned that newborns have an instinct to put anything in their mouths. This is done not without reason, but as a baby's attempt to survive. Putting anything in the mouth is also considered a filling meal for babies.

8. The Size of the Newborn's Stomach is Very Small

The size of a newborn's stomach is different from that of an adult. When newborn, the size of the baby's stomach is very small, about the size of a walnut. Therefore, newborns do not need to suckle too often. The newborn's stomach does not yet have enough space to accommodate a lot of breast milk.

9. Brain Development of Male Babies is Different from Female Babies

Infant brain development involves a complex range of factors and is influenced by a number of variables, including genetics, nutrition, environment and stimulation. Until now, the development of baby boys' brains tends to be faster than baby girls' brains is still uncertain. However, baby girls have sharper senses in seeing and hearing. As well as better speech skills than baby boys.

10.  Newborn Baby's First Stool is Black-Green in Color

Newborn babies will pass dark or black feces, which are called meconium and consist of active substances in breast milk.  Meconium is the first feces excreted by a newborn. It usually appears within the first 24-48 hours after birth.

11.  Newborns Can Swim Naturally

Newborns have a natural reflex called the "diving reflex" or "bradycardic reflex" that makes them hold their breath when their face comes into contact with water. This reflex is commonly present in newborns and aims to protect them while in water.

12.  Newborns Experience Weight Loss

Weight loss in babies in the first few days after birth is common and considered a normal part of their initial adjustment to life outside the womb. This weight loss is usually due to several factors, including additional fluid output, digestive system adjustment, and unstable food intake. Normally babies will lose 5-10% of their body weight.

13.  Newborn Babies Don't Have Kneecaps

As it turns out, newborns are known to not have kneecaps. Newborns do not yet have a solid kneecap bone and only have soft bones. At birth, the baby's bones are still flexible and have not yet fully hardened. Anatomically, the joints around a newborn's knee are very flexible, and the bones in the area have not yet formed properly.

14.  Babies Have Fine Hair

Lanugo is the fine, soft hair that grows on the baby's body during pregnancy. These hairs appear at the embryonic stage of development and give the baby's body a fluffy appearance. Lanugo usually starts growing around the 14th week of pregnancy and reaches its peak growth in the second trimester. Most babies will have lanugo on their body, especially on the back, shoulders, face and arms.

15.  Baby's Breath Sounds

Breathing sounds in babies can be caused by a variety of factors, and are not always related to an incompletely formed airway. It is important to understand that most breath sounds in babies are normal and will decrease over time. However, if there are concerns about the baby's health or if the breath sounds are accompanied by other symptoms it is best to consult a pediatrician or healthcare professional immediately.

16.  Breastfeeding a Baby is a Process

Not all babies are able to breastfeed immediately upon birth. According to Kim Oates, professor of pediatrics at the University of Sydney, newborns who do not want to breastfeed can survive for some time around 24-48 hours after birth without breast milk.

17.  Vaginal Discharge from the Baby's Body

Newborns generally have extra fluid in their bodies after birth. Some of these types of fluids include Vernix Caseosa, Amniotic Fluid, first tears as well as mucus and mucus. These fluids may be rinsed or cleaned by medical personnel or nurses after birth. This cleaning is not only for hygiene, but also to provide a clean and comfortable environment for the newborn.

18.  Babies Love Noise

Babies enjoy white noise to accompany them in their sleep. White noise is a sound of constant intensity across frequencies that sounds like a hiss or the sound of soft rain. It is important to note that every baby is unique, and the response to white noise may vary.

19.  Dry Baby Skin

Babies' skin is generally dry and sensitive. Some of the factors that cause a baby's skin to become dry and sensitive involve environmental changes and the adaptation of the newborn's body to the world outside the womb.

20.  Newborn's fontanel pulsates

A newborn's fontanel pulsates because the split in the skull has not yet closed and hardened completely. If the newborn's fontanel is seen pulsating, it may be due to the pulsation of blood flow under the fontanelle. Throbbing of the fontanelle is normal and indicates normal blood circulation in the area. Although it appears open, the fontanelle is protected by a strong membrane.

Well, that's a collection of facts about newborns that parents should know. Because for new parents who do not have experience caring for newborns, they may feel worried about the normal changes that occur in babies.

Best Newborn Diaper Recommendations

In addition to paying attention to what happens to newborns, moms must also provide the best care for newborns. Starting from the clothes used, baby equipment, to diapers. One of the best diapers for newborns recommended is MAKUKU Dry Care.

MAKUKU Dry Care is a soft diaper designed with an absorbent material combination of SAP and Pulp. Making this yellow packaged diaper able to absorb more and dry diapers throughout the day. MAKUKU Dry Care also has 3 layers of air circulation to reduce the feeling of sultry, stuffy and humid. The capacity of MAKUKU Dry Care is 400 ml. So, the risk of skin irritation on your little one can be reduced moms and dads.

The sizes are also very complete, starting from NB-S for adhesive diapers and M, L, XL, XXL for pants diapers. The price of MAKUKU Dry Care diapers is around 50 thousand only. And, moms can easily buy MAKUKU Dry Care packages at the nearest stall. (Aq/MKK)





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