The Effect of Sleep Quality on Little One's Growth and Development

Sleep is not just a matter of a child's rest time. But the impact of the quality of your child's sleep turns out to have an effect on the growth and development of the little one. Because while sleeping, growth hormone is produced. But unfortunately, maybe many parents are not aware of this.

2022-05-17 09:31:34
2022-05-17 09:31:34
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The Leak-Proof Diapers Doctor's Recommendation

The reason parents choose disposable diapers is to make it more practical to accommodate their little one's urine. Doctors also recommend wearing diapers once because they have high absorption and are certainly leak-proof. This is a quality diaper recommended by doctors:

2022-04-22 09:37:14
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World Health Day 2022: Our Planet Our Health

Every 7 April we commemorate World Health Day or World Health Day every year. This World Health Day commemoration was held as a sign of the founding of the world health organization or the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948. While the first World Health Day was celebrated in 1950.

2022-04-07 11:15:49
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Don't be mistaken, this is the difference between hyperactivity, ADHD and autism

An active child is one of the characteristics of optimal baby growth. But sometimes parents can't tell the difference between hyperactive children, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders) and autism. Although it looks almost the same, in fact hyperactive children, ADHD and autism are different so parents should not do self-diagnosis.

2022-04-07 09:01:44
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Allergies That Often Occur In Babies

Allergies in infants have levels of mild, moderate and severe. There are several types of allergies that often occur in babies. Check out more info here!

2022-03-31 16:28:43
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Recommendations for Safe Diaper Materials for Babies According to Experts

Caring for babies is not an easy thing. Every thing that is used by babies must really be considered for safety and comfort such as disposable diapers. Parents must choose diapers with safe and appropriate materials. Given that baby's skin is still very sensitive and prone to skin problems such as diaper rash and irritation.

2022-03-30 16:38:56
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The Relationship between Diaper Use and Risk Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections or UTIs are common in children. One of the factors for UTIs is caused by disposable diapers that are not changed frequently. So that children who wear full diapers but are rarely changed are very susceptible to UTIs.

2022-03-22 14:44:56
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Don't ignore it, this is a sign of urinary tract infection in children according

Urinary tract infections or UTIs can happen to anyone, from infants to adults. UTI in infants does not cause death, but if it is treated too late, it is not uncommon for this UTI to cause several complications and affect the quality of life of the little one. For this reason, parents should not ignore any signs of UTI in babies.

2022-03-22 14:36:19
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Starting the SAP Era, MAKUKU Launches Its New Diaper

One way for parents to provide the best for their children is to choose the right diaper. Diaper selection is very important because diapers can have an impact on the development and health of your little one. The negative effect caused by choosing the wrong diaper is diaper rash. As a solution to this problem, MAKUKU innovated by re-launching diapers with ultra slim SAP (Super Absorbent Polymer).

2022-03-17 10:42:40
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Until What Age Tantrums Occur In Children?

Have you ever had a very fussy child in public? Is it a tantrum? Before condemning a child to have a tantrum, parents should be obliged to understand what a tantrum is and at what age a tantrum occurs in a child.

2022-02-28 11:10:03
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Diaper Rash Occurs In Babies At What Age?

Baby skin is very different from adults. Babies have very soft and sensitive skin. For that, parents must be extra in maintaining the health of the baby's skin. One way to protect baby's skin is to use the right diaper. Because, diapers that are not suitable can cause skin problems such as diaper rash.

2022-02-28 11:03:36
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Nutritional Problems that Children are prone to Experience

Every 28 February is always celebrated as Indonesia's National Nutrition Day. This important day aims to increase public awareness of the importance of fulfilling nutrition for a healthier and quality life, especially for children.

2022-02-28 10:56:19
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Types of Child Cancer and How to Detect It Early

World Children's Cancer Day is always celebrated on February 15 every year. this year the theme is  “Better Survival” and can be achieved with #throughyourhand. 

2022-02-21 09:13:37
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