Ideal Tummy Time and its Benefits

Ideal Tummy Time and its Benefits

written by : MAKUKU - 14 Nov 2023

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Your child's growth and development must always be monitored whether it is in accordance with his age. To stimulate your little one's growth and development, one of them is tummy time or time on his stomach while playing. Then, when is the ideal time for tummy time to be done?

For the ideal time, tummy time for your little one can be done as early as possible. Usually, tummy time starts from babies aged 2-3 months because in this age range your little one's neck muscles are already strong. Even according to dr. Ria Yoanita, SpA from St. Hospital. Carolus, although newborns have not yet strong neck muscles, newborns are still advised to do tummy time by paying attention to several things so that tummy time is safe.

"Newborns are actually still recommended for tummy time, provided that they must be under parental supervision, because the risk of SIDS due to a closed nose can occur." said dr. Ria.

During tummy time, parents should not be negligent in paying attention to these activities, especially for newborns. This is because newborns cannot control their necks automatically. So it is feared that the nose and eyes are closed and the little one has not been able to lift his neck. As a result, it can cause sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

While there is no exact time how long tummy time is good to do. However, you can take your little one for tummy time about two to three times for 30 minutes a day. Tummy time is not easy for babies, at the beginning of tummy time maybe your little one will not like it.

But don't give up, so that your little one gets used to this position, parents can start with a short or short time and do it gradually. It is important for parents to prioritize the comfort of their little ones during tummy time. Create a pleasant atmosphere and do not force him to prevent your little one from fussing.

"We recommend that as early as possible and how long it takes, we recommend doing it as often as possible as long as it is important for newborns to keep their eyes and nose closed," explained dr. Ria.

Benefits of Tummy Time for Little Ones

The impact if the child is rarely prone can show delays in motor development. Moreover, too often lying in a supine position, can trigger skull abnormalities. That's why tummy time is recommended to do and there are so many benefits for little ones. Not only does it increase the bonding between parents and babies, Dr. Ria explained that tummy time can also affect neck development and stimulate motor skills. Here are the various benefits of tummy time that should not be missed:

Helps muscle development

When the baby is on his stomach, he will be stimulated to control the movement of his neck and head for better. Because newborns have torticollis or a condition where the baby's neck muscles are tight and make it difficult for the baby to turn around. With tummy time, able to relax the neck muscles.

Stimulate gross motor

The strength of the baby's neck and upper back muscles is very influential on subsequent developments such as rolling, sitting, crawling and walking. In addition, it can also train hand coordination and between other body parts.

Avoid the pesky head

As said at the beginning, if too often the baby's skull can turn into a flat or flat head (plagiocephaly). Plagiocephaly is a condition where the baby's head is slightly flat on the back. Peyang head will not affect your little one's brain development.

Safe Tummy Time Guide

Tummy time is very easy and inexpensive to do at home. Parents just simply roll out a blanket, a soft mattress or a flat mattress to put the little one on his stomach. Dr. Ria also recommends a safe tummy time position, namely by placing your baby on the stomach, chest or lap when prone.

"Babies can be placed on the mother's or father's stomach other than on the mattress, because in addition to the above benefits, skin to skin with the mother and father will increase bonding which is also useful for supporting optimal growth and development," explained dr. Ria.

Don't forget, make sure the tummy time area is clean and give your little one their favorite toys. The accompanying parent can stare at the little one's face. Invite your little one to communicate and invite him to play. Every now and then you can give a toy so that your little one is encouraged to reach for it. If your little one looks uncomfortable, you can change his position or stop him. (Aq/MKK)











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