Influence growth and development, don't choose diapers that are easy to clump

Influence growth and development, don't choose diapers that are easy to clump

written by : MAKUKU - 14 Mar 2022

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The use of a lumpy diaper will make the baby uncomfortable. Especially when the baby wants to explore his surroundings either by crawling, crawling, standing, running if he does not feel comfortable with the diaper he is wearing. Without realizing it, diapers affect growth and development even though they are small. MAKUKU Air Diapers are anti-clot diapers, super thin and extra thin.

MAKUKU Air Diapers are made of SAP or Super Absorbent Polymer core structure which will maintain good stability so as to prevent clumping and the baby will feel more comfortable. The impact of diaper clumping itself can cause diaper rash. According to dr. Melia Yunita, M.Sc., Sp.A, Pediatrician, diaper rash that is not handled properly and properly will cause serious infections. As a result, your little one will become uncomfortable and fussy because they feel sore every time they change their diaper.

"If the diaper is easy to clump, it will cause the baby to feel uncomfortable because it feels like there is a foreign object in his bottom or feels like his diaper is about to fall," said dr. Lia.

In addition, Dr. Lia also mentioned that the use of inappropriate diapers can make the little one tend to be lazy to move “Even though he is busy exploring the surrounding environment. So if he is not comfortable, we are afraid that the baby will feel afraid or feel lazy to move and it will interfere with his development, "he added.

Criteria for a good diaper

A good diaper is a diaper that can keep baby's skin dry and not moist, thus preventing diaper rash and infection. Then a good diaper is designed to follow the curve of the baby's buttocks, the material is soft and elastic enough that it doesn't restrict the movement of the little one.

According to dr. Lia, there are several factors that are considered for parents choosing diapers for their little ones. The things that must be considered when choosing a diaper according to dr. Lia as follows:

  1. Make sure the diaper has a material that absorbs fluids quickly and holds more fluid so that the baby's skin surface will remain dry and not damp.
  2. There is an indicator whether the diaper is full or empty is in the diaper so that it will be easier for parents to judge when to immediately change the baby's diaper.
  3. Make sure the diaper material is soft and has good air circulation so that the baby will still feel comfortable when wearing it.
  4. Diaper shape and flexibility.
  5. The little one is comfortable when using it.

Makuku Air Diapers, Anti-Clumping Diapers Made of New Generation SAP Core Structure

MAKUKU Air Diapers are the latest generation of diapers made from the latest generation SAP core structure. So the diaper is not easy to clump, absorbs a lot of liquid but is not thick. This anti-clotting MAKUKU diaper only has a thickness of about 1.6 mm and the surface remains dry when it collects your little one's urine. In addition, MAKUKU diapers are made from the best and high-quality materials from various countries.

Makuku Air Diapers Moms and dads can get it at the MAKUKU Store spread over several of your favorite cities and at the MAKUKU Store Official at Shopee, Tokopedia, Lazada, BliBli, JD.ID and Orami. MAKUKU Air Diaper is the best choice for your little one with maximum protection. So, parents don't have to worry and bother changing to another brand. (Aq/MKK)






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