Detection of Fetal Abnormalities in Pregnant Women from an Early Age

Detection of Fetal Abnormalities in Pregnant Women from an Early Age

written by : MAKUKU - 14 Nov 2023

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Every pregnant woman is obliged to routinely check her womb or commonly known as Antenatal care (ANC). This mandatory visit for pregnant women is carried out at least four times during pregnancy. The importance of this content check is to determine the health of pregnant women, fetal development and detect abnormalities in the fetus and pregnant women.

Detecting abnormalities in the fetus and pregnant women can be done when the gestational age enters the age of 20 weeks. Here's how to detect abnormalities in the fetus and pregnant women as described by dr. Indra as consultant obstetrician and obstetrician MAKUKU:

Detection of Fetal Abnormalities

  • Patient interview.
  • Ultrasound Screening at 11-14 weeks of gestation (NT Test) and 18-22 weeks (anatomic screening).
  • Blood laboratory: HCG, AFP, PAPP-A test at 11-14 weeks of gestation.
  • Chromosome check: chorionic, villus sampling (CVS), amniocentesis, Non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT), preimplantation genetic screening (PGS).

Detection of Abnormalities in Pregnant Women

  • Interviews (disease history, surgery history, obstetric history, complaints, family medical history).
  • Physical examination (heart, lungs, kidneys, eyes, thyroid, breast, cervix).
  • Blood laboratory (Hb/L/GD).
  • Weigh repeatedly according to the schedule of pregnancy checks.
  • Measure blood pressure regularly.

Giving birth to healthy children is the right of all mothers. According to dr. Indra, in order to give birth to healthy children, pregnant women are required to eat nutritious (balanced) foods before becoming pregnant. Check pregnancy as early as possible and regularly to assess fetal growth and development in the womb and early detection of abnormalities in the fetus. And check the blood laboratory (HbL, blood sugar, Rubella infection, toxoplasma, Hepatitis, HIV, ABO/rhesus blood type and thalassemia).

dr. Indra also advised pregnant women to avoid herbs, raw vegetables and undercooked meat, antibiotics without a doctor's prescription and over-the-counter medicines. In addition, avoid foods with preservatives such as canned food, radioactive exposure such as x-rays, pregnant at the age of 40 years or more.

If you want to know more about pregnancy, mommy and daddy can join the Whatsapp Lecture (Kulwap) or MAKUKU Lecture with the MAKUKU doctor consultant. MAKUKU as a mother and child consultant, always wants to give the best in meeting the needs of parents and children in Indonesia. For more information about this MAKUKU Lecture, Mommy and Daddy just follow Instagram @makuku.indonesia.official and visit the website. (Aq/MKK)






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