The Impact of Misuse of Disposable Diapers

The Impact of Misuse of Disposable Diapers

written by : MAKUKU - 14 Mar 2022

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Without realizing it, choosing the wrong diaper can cause serious health problems for your little one. According to a pediatrician, RS. St. Carolus, dr. Peggy Yulia revealed that the type of irritation in the little one is divided into several levels, namely mild, moderate and severe. At a mild level, the baby's skin is usually only red and not wide. Moderate level of irritation, baby's skin may peel. Meanwhile, in severe cases, apart from exfoliating, the wound becomes wet due to infection. This is caused by a damaged skin barrier so that bacteria can enter more easily.

If left continuously, the long-term impact of choosing the wrong diaper is Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). It should be noted that UTIs are more prone to attack girls than boys. Because the urinary tract is shorter and can have an impact on the kidneys. UTI symptoms in children are not typical or difficult to detect. For this reason, parents must know how to do first aid when their little one is irritated by diaper rash. 

“The thing to do if you are already irritated is that the irritated area must be exposed to air, the term is to dry it without using a diaper for some time. Clean with warm water, choose a special soap that is gentle but does not contain fragrance or fragrance. Then dry with a soft cloth,” explained dr. Peggy.

MAKUKU Air Diapers Comes as a Solution

Disposable diapers are an important thing in your little one's daily life. However, many problems arise as a result of diapers. Makuku wants children in Indonesia to be healthy and parents happy too. With long research, MAKUKU was created with three advantages, namely anti-clotting, super thin and extra dry.

According to Chairunisa, Brand Representative of MAKUKU, MAKUKU diapers are diapers with the latest generation of SAP core structure so they don't clump easily. Super thin because there is no mixture of other materials, the thickness is only 1.6 mm. Even though it is thin, there is no need to doubt it because it will not leak and can accommodate a lot of liquid. And extra dry, where absorption is fast so that the surface of the diaper remains dry and there is little reverse osmosis.

“3D surface on Makuku Air Diapers to reduce direct skin contact. Promotes two-way air circulation to reduce rashes. Don't be economical about changing diapers during the holidays," said Icha. 

Moms and dads can get MAKUKU Air Diapers at MAKUKU Stores spread across several of your favorite cities. And also available at Shopee, Lazada, Tokopedia, BliBli, JD.ID and Orami. In addition, get other information about MAKUKU on Instagram @makuku.indonesia.official. (Aq/MKK)







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