Get to know Mysterious Acute Hepatitis, Recognize Symptoms and How to Prevent

Mysterious Acute Hepatitis, Recognize Symptoms and How to Prevent

written by : MAKUKU - 24 May 2022

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it Mysterious acute hepatitis is currently a health problem for your little one. As if the Covid-19 pandemic is not over, now the people of Indonesia are being bothered by the emergence of the mysterious acute hepatitis disease.

Referring to data from the Ministry of Health, there are 14 cases of mysterious acute hepatitis whose cause is unknown in Indonesia. From this figure, it is suspected that there were six children who died from this mysterious hepatitis infection.

To provide education related to the disease, MAKUKU Indonesia held an IG Live with Vita Flow with the theme "Beware of Mysterious Hepatitis Threats in Children" Tuesday, May 24, 2022. In this talkshow, also presenting general practitioners who have more than 50 years of experience in the medical world, dr. . Edi Nugroho and also Mom Influencer Ninda Trubus.

On that occasion, dr. Nugroho said that the science of this mysterious acute hepatitis is still being developed until now.

Regarding the possibility of this disease hitting adults, dr. Nugroho stated that this mysterious acute hepatitis only occurs in children under 16 years old and is more prone to occur in children under 6 years old.

dr. Nugroho explained that hepatitis is acute and mysterious, which is different from hepatitis in general. Symptoms of mysterious hepatitis appear suddenly and quickly in just a matter of days. While hepatitis is usually detected in a matter of months or years. 

Although it is still difficult to detect, some sufferers of mysterious acute hepatitis experience various symptoms such as jaundice, sore muscles, sudden chills to diarrhea. 

"Hepatitis is usually known in the letters A, B, C, D, and E. Now in these cases in children who are affected, all the letters are not present. What happened? Hepatitis is called mysterious because it is not included in category A, B, C, D, and E," said dr. Nugroho in the MAKUKU x VITAFLOW IG Live broadcast.

Even so, dr. Nugroho asked parents to remain calm in the face of the threat of this disease. According to him, the effect is far more severe from other diseases such as dengue fever that parents should pay more attention to.

In addition, continued dr. Nugroho, the role of parents is needed to create discipline in maintaining cleanliness as one way to break the chain of transmission. One of them is transmission through food.

"If possible, don't buy food from outside. The health protocol is washing hands and cleaning tables because the transmission of this mysterious hepatitis can be through the hands. This mysterious hepatitis is related to adenovirus, a virus that causes coughing and colds. by air," said the doctor.

What should moms do?

dr. Nugroho reminded parents of the importance of vaccinating their children for hepatitis. Although it has not been proven to prevent the occurrence of this mysterious disease, hepatitis A and B vaccinations are mandatory.

Then, a medical check-up at least once a year on your little one also needs to be done to check his health condition.  

The next point, parents must also ensure the cleanliness of the food and drinks eaten by the little one. This is important because acute hepatitis in children also attacks the digestive tract which can come from food.

"Health protocols must also be carried out, such as wearing masks, washing hands with hand sanitizers to kill bacteria and viral diseases," said dr. Nugroho.

On the same occasion, Mom Influencer Ninda Trubus also shared tips for parents in preventing acute hepatitis in their children.

First, ensure the best nutrition for children such as eating nutritious 4 healthy 5 perfect foods and vitamins and don't forget to maintain personal hygiene and apply health protocols.

Then maintaining the cleanliness of the genital area is no less important, you know. Especially in the area of ​​​​the baby's skin that is covered by the diaper.

"The way to clean it was using wet wipes AND ALSO CHOOSING THE RIGHT NAPPER. Coincidentally, my son used MAKUKU Air Diapers Comfort which was extra dry for 8 hours. The little one's skin is easier to clean and the risk of bacteria growth can be prevented because the diaper is not moist," said Mom Influencer who has an ig account @mommysaurus.

Well, how about Moms and Dads at home? Do you have your own way to anticipate the emergence of this mysterious disease. Stay tuned for education related to the world of health and parenting with MAKUKU Indonesia, Moms! (RR/MKK)









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