Make creative time with kids fun: Here are Tips for Bonding with Your Little One!

Make creative time with kids fun: Here are Tips for Bonding with Your Little One!

written by : MAKUKU - 2 Aug 2023

Read duration : 5 min

Doing activities with the child to build a bond between parents and children is an important thing that can help the growth and development of the child. Valuable bonding moments should be filled with activities that are not only fun, but also useful and meaningful. 

There are many benefits of bonding time for both the child and parents. For the child, bonding time helps him/her build a good relationship with parents, improve various skills, and enhance the child's emotional development. As for parents, some of the benefits of bonding time are that you become closer and understand your child, as well as helping the child's emotional development. According to Educational Psychologist, Melisa Yunisafina, M.Psi, the interaction between parents and children affects the psychological and emotional development of children. "So when parents understand the child's emotional development, parents can provide the right response or reaction to fulfill the child's needs," said Melisa.

To create a strong bonding with the child and make bonding time more effective, there are several tips that parents can do.

Conduct Bonding Time Early on

The earlier you bond with your child, the better. Even from the womb, the Little One can already be invited to bonding time by inviting him/her to chat, touching the belly, singing songs to reading stories.

Taking Time and Energy to Do Activities Together

Mommy and Daddy's daily activities may leave little time for activities with the Little One. Even so, it is very important to set aside time and energy every day to play with your child. As much as possible, do not let electronic devices such as gadgets interfere with this precious bonding time. That way, moms and dads can really have quality bonding time with the child. 

Communicate Well and Be Responsive to Children's Needs

When doing bonding activities, it is important for parents to communicate well with the child. For example, if the child does not like certain activities, parents need to appreciate and respect their wishes. That way, the child associates bonding activities with a pleasant experience. In addition, if the child expresses their emotions during bonding time, then parents need to respond appropriately. Focus on what the child is saying and help them express their emotions better.

There are many activities that parents can do with the child as a form of bonding. Moreover, time-filling activities by being creative with children do not have to be complicated and expensive. Some of the following games can be ideas for creative time with children that strengthen bonding between parents and children. 

1. Singing and Dancing

Invite your child to sing their favorite songs or introduce interesting children's songs to your child. While singing, you can also invite your child to dance so that he/she is actively moving in a fun way.

2. Sensory Games

These games can not only be an exciting bonding time idea, but can also hone the sensory abilities, motor skills, and cognitive abilities of the Little One. Some sensory games that Mommy can try for the Little One at home include: playing with colored sand from flour, playing with sensory books, to

3. Catching Colorful Balloons

Parents can blow several colorful balloons and then invite the Little One to grab and throw the balloons with their hands. 

4. Painting and Drawing

Let the Little One dip their fingers into watercolors or use a brush to make various pictures as they like on white paper. Mommy can also participate in making drawings and paintings with the Little One.

5. Play with Water

Water play is a simple activity that many children love. For example, playing with a basin of water that has been filled with coloring, playing in a bathtub that has been filled with water, to inviting the Little One to wash their toys.

In addition to some of the exciting activities above, Mommy can also bond with your little one while attending the Playdate with MAKUKU event which was held in Bandung, on July 24, 2023. In this event, Mommy and Little One can join various exciting activities such as Fit n Fun, Zumba Time, to join a seminar about the Impact of Diaper Rash, Can Hinder Children's Growth and Development. 

Diaper rash does make your little one uncomfortable, besides being able to trigger tantrums and interfere with your little one's activities while bonding with Mommy, diaper rash can also interfere with child growth and development. As stated by Pediatrician, Dr. Welli Hamik Sp.A, choosing the right baby diaper is very important for the comfort and health of the Little One. "By choosing the right baby diapers and maintaining the cleanliness and health of the baby's skin, parents can help ensure that their child's growth and development is optimal and free from health problems associated with baby diapers." 

To keep your little one free from diaper rash while bonding with parents, choose baby diapers that are thin, large capacity, anti-clump, and lock fluids well such asMAKUKU SAP Diapers Comfort Fit diapers. Super thin with a large capacity of up to 400ml, MAKUKU SAP Diapers Comfort Fit diapers are comfortable to use when your little one is on the move. In addition, there is no need to worry about your little one getting diaper rash because MAKUKU SAP Diapers Comfort Fit uses SAP (Super Absorbent Polymer) core structure with an anti-clump feature that is super thin, super absorbent and locks liquid and prevents leakage. Afraid of diaper rash, use MAKUKU, Super Thin Super Absorbent!

Moms who want to try MAKUKU SAP Diapers Comfort Fit can find a wide selection of MAKUKU products at the nearest supermarket, baby supplies store, and various online stores. Check the list of stores by accessing this link. Moms can also find multiple info and tips on growing and developing their little one by visiting the website! 

Let's enjoy the creative time while bonding with your little one. Create precious moments full of happiness and memories for your beloved little one without worrying about diaper rash. Have fun and be creative with your little one! (ADV)





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