10 Blood-Boosting Foods for Pregnant Women

10 Recommended Blood Booster Foods for Pregnant Women

written by : MAKUKU - 28 Jul 2023

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Pregnant women need to eat blood-boosting foods to prevent anemia during pregnancy. During pregnancy, pregnant women need more red blood cells to support the health of their body and the growth of the fetus. Red blood cells have an important role in delivering oxygen to the fetus. To produce red blood cells, pregnant women need to consume blood-boosting foods to fulfill the intake of iron, folate, vitamin B12, and vitamin C. All of these nutrients can be obtained from the diet.

All of these nutrients can basically be obtained from eating nutritious foods. In fact, anything consumed by pregnant women can increase about 40-60% of blood volume and oxygen for the fetus through the placenta. As a result, if pregnant women cannot meet these important intakes, they are prone to anemia. That is why, pregnant women are advised to consume blood-boosting foods to prevent anemia.

Blood Booster Foods for Pregnant Women

Pregnant women are prone to several diseases including anemia or lack of blood. However, pregnant women should not carelessly take medication because it can harm the fetus. One way to overcome this is to eat blood-boosting foods. Here are foods for Hb enhancers:

1. Spinach

Iron is needed by pregnant women up to twice that of normal women. Pregnant women need at least 27 mg per day and the rate will increase as the gestational age increases. One of the vegetables that contains high iron is spinach. The vitamin C content in spinach can also help the formation of red blood cells.

2. Beef

Lean beef is also one of the blood-boosting food choices for pregnant women. Keep in mind, 100 grams of beef contains about 3 mg of iron. This amount can help fulfill 30% of the daily iron intake for pregnant women. When consuming this, make sure the beef is well cooked and fully cooked so as not to cause complications in pregnant women.

3. Fish

In addition to meat, fish can also be a source of blood-boosting foods for pregnant women. The types of fish that can be consumed by pregnant women are mackerel, tuna, mackerel to salmon. These types of fish are known to be high in folic acid and vitamin B12 which play an important role in the formation of red blood cells.

4. Eggs

The next blood-boosting food for pregnant women is eggs, especially the yellow part. Eggs contain high iron, protein and healthy fats. Where the content plays a role in the formation of red blood cells so that it helps control blood sugar levels during pregnancy.

5. Fruits

Fruits are well-known healthy foods that are recommended to be consumed by pregnant women. Fruits that contain high vitamin C such as oranges, bananas and apples are good for consumption as blood-boosting foods for pregnant women.

6. Honey

Iron for low blood count can be found in honey. Pregnant women can consume honey to fulfill their iron intake during pregnancy. Add fruits with honey so that pregnant women can get good benefits.

7. Oysters

Oysters are also among the red blood cell-boosting foods for pregnant women. In 100 grams of oysters there are about 7 mg of iron. This seafood also contains omega-3 fatty acids which are good for fetal development. Make sure pregnant women consume oysters in cooked conditions.

8. Nuts

Beans also contain iron and protein which can be a blood-boosting food for pregnant women. Types of lentils, peas to chickpeas are most suitable to be used as food for blood enhancers.

9. Grains

In addition to nuts, pregnant women can consume seeds that are high in iron such as almond seeds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds. These types of grains are recommended as low blood boosting foods.

10.  Asparagusnutrs

The last blood-boosting food for pregnant women is asparagus, which is rich in iron. Pregnant women can make warm asparagus soup combined with grains such as sesame for more iron content.

That's a row of blood-boosting foods for pregnant women that can be tried at home. However, if the condition of pregnant women does not improve, you should immediately consult a gynecologist. (Aq/MKK)





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