3 Month Baby Development: This is the Right Way of Stimulation

3 Month Baby Development: This is the Right Way of Stimulation

written by : MAKUKU - 14 Dec 2022

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The development of a 3 month baby is very important for parents to pay attention to. The baby will enter a new stage of development after entering the age of 3 months. At this age, babies also experience rapid development. This is the reason why babies must be given proper stimulation from an early age.following, MAKUKU will discuss what the development of a 3 month baby is and how to stimulate it properly.

The development of a 3 month baby is characterized by increased motor skills. Like starting to recognize the faces of the people around him, rolling over, lifting his head and distinguishing colors. A 3 month old baby can also stretch his legs and kick. Even some innate reflexes like the moro reflex will start to disappear.

At the age of 3 months, the baby will also experience changes in his sleeping hours. This change in sleep hours allows the baby to sleep longer than before, which is 6-7 hours. This is because a 3 month old baby already has a more mature nervous system and his stomach can accommodate more milk. The good news is that this change in baby's sleep hours can make mom sleep better.

Another 3 month baby development is the improvement in baby communication. Where the senses of hearing and vision are getting better. A 3 month old baby can recognize his mother's voice, smile, turn his head and listen to all kinds of music. Currently, the way babies communicate is not only through crying. Mom can also invite the baby to communicate often as the right stimulation for a 3 month baby and bonding to establish closeness with the baby.

While the physical growth of a 3 month baby is not seen from the appearance of a fat or thin baby. Physical growth is most accurately assessed from the height and weight of the baby which increases according to the growth curve. Normally, a boy's weight at 3 months is 5.1-7.9 kg and a baby girl's weight at 2 months is 4.6-7.4 kg. Meanwhile, the height for babies aged 3 months is around 57.6-65.3 cm and for baby girls it is around 55.8-63.8 cm. So, mom and dad really have to monitor the baby's growth every month.

What is the proper stimulation for a 3 month old baby?

3 months old is the right time to support baby's development through various stimulations. One of the fun stimulations is playing with your little one. In addition, to support the optimal development of a 3-month-old baby, mom and dad can do some stimulation that is appropriate for a 3-month-old baby as follows:

  • Tummy time is one of the most important stimulations for a 3-month-old baby. The purpose of tummy time is to develop the baby's body so that it is strong enough to move and control its head and body.
  • Gentle massaging can soothe a fussy baby. Through this massage, it can help the baby to get to know his body and body movements through touch.
  • Uses sounds or songs to stimulate the auditory senses. Make sure or the sound used is not too loud or startle your little one.
  • Give your little one soft toys to help coordinate hand and eye movements.
  • Invite the baby around to introduce the surrounding environment through touch.

Now, after knowing what the development of a 3-month baby is and the right way to stimulate it, mom and dad are also obliged to support this stimulation by providing comfortable diapers. Because, improper diapers can cause diaper rash. And using comfortable diapers aims to maximize the stimulation that is carried out on your little one.

For babies aged 3 months, mom and dad can give your little one MAKUKU SAP Diapers Slim diapers. MAKUKU SAP Diapers Slim is specifically designed using the new technology of the core structure of SAP (Super Absorbent Polymer). MAKUKU SAP Diapers Slim also has a thinness of 1.6 mm but has a large capacity of 500 ml. This is what makes MAKUKU effective in reducing diaper rash. Afraid of Diaper Rash, Use MAKUKU! (Aq/MKK)






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