Don't Panic! Find out what causes a baby's belly button to bleed and how to fix it

Don't Panic! Find out what causes a baby's belly button to bleed and how to fix it

written by : MAKUKU - 29 Aug 2023

Read duration : 6 min

A bleeding baby's belly button can make many Moms panic especially for new moms. When the baby is born, the baby's umbilical cord, which is the pathway for food from mother to baby, will be clamped and cut. This will leave a small amount of cord in the newborn's abdomen.

Within a few weeks, the remaining cord in the baby's belly button will fall off on its own. But in between this time, it is not uncommon for the baby's navel to bleed. A bleeding navel can be experienced by a newborn baby or a few weeks later. This can happen if the baby's umbilical cord care is not done properly. Wounds or bleeding on the umbilical cord should be prevented and treated immediately to prevent infection.

Causes of Baby's Navel Bleeding

After delivery the baby no longer needs an umbilical cord. Because various kinds of nutrients and nutrients are provided directly through breast milk. This is what makes the baby's umbilical cord cut by the doctor after labor is over.

Launching from the Medical News Today page, most cases of bleeding umbilical cords in newborns are normal. The main cause of the baby's umbilical cord bleeding is the umbilical cord drying up and then detaching. The bleeding occurs from the point where the umbilical cord comes off.

While the baby's umbilical cord is festering because the wound on the umbilical cord has not dried up, but is experiencing moist conditions so that it is exposed to fungal infections. An infected umbilical cord is very risky for the baby's safety. The symptoms are as follows:

The skin area surrounding the navel looks red and swollen

The skin around the baby's belly button looks red and swollen, which could indicate an infection or irritation of the baby's umbilical cord. Umbilical cord infection is a serious problem and requires immediate medical attention. However, only a doctor can give an accurate diagnosis after a direct examination.

There are blisters, pimples, or rashes around the belly button

Blisters, pimples, or rashes around the baby's belly button can be caused by various factors, such as skin irritation, allergic reaction, infection, or other issues. It is important to keep the baby's navel area clean and observe any changes in the condition of the skin. If you notice any noticeable skin changes or if the baby seems uncomfortable, you should contact a doctor or medical professional immediately.

The skin at the baby's belly button feels warmer than other areas of the skin

If the skin around the baby's belly button feels warmer than other areas of the skin, this could be a sign of inflammation or infection in the area. An infection in the baby's umbilical cord can cause inflammation and heat in the area. Infection can be caused by lack of hygiene or improper care of the umbilical cord.

A cloudy, pus-like discharge from the belly button that sometimes has an unpleasant odor

A cloudy, pus-like discharge from the baby's belly button that sometimes smells bad may indicate an infection of the umbilical cord. Infection of the umbilical cord can occur due to lack of hygiene, improper handling, or germs entering the wound that is still healing. Such infections should be treated with antibiotics and possibly additional treatments.

The baby fusses or looks uncomfortable when the navel is touched

If your baby fusses or looks uncomfortable when his navel is touched, this could indicate that there is a problem or irritation in the navel area. The uncomfortable feeling can be caused by various factors, including infection, skin irritation, or allergic reactions. So, moms and dads should always be attentive to any changes that occur in your little one.

 The baby has a fever of more than 38 ° C

Fever in infants accompanied by umbilical cord infection is a sign that the infection may have spread and needs to be treated immediately by a doctor. Fever is the body's response to infection, and in the case of a cord infection, it can indicate that the infection has spread into the body.

The umbilical cord does not detach within the normal timeframe

Normally, a baby's umbilical cord will dry up and detach within a few weeks of birth, usually between 1 to 3 weeks after birth. However, there are some cases where the umbilical cord may take longer to detach or even require medical attention. The cord not coming off for a long period of time can be caused by infection to improper cord care.

The baby appears to have other symptoms or appears sick

If moms and dads observe that the baby appears to have other symptoms or appears to be in pain due to a cord infection, it is very important to seek medical attention immediately. Umbilical cord infections in infants can develop into serious problems and require immediate medical attention.

How to prevent your baby's umbilical cord from bleeding

Preventing infection or problems with a baby's umbilical cord is an important step in caring for a newborn. Proper care to prevent a baby's umbilical cord from bleeding is to keep the remaining cord dry and clean. Here are some ways to prevent your baby's umbilical cord from bleeding or having problems:

1. Keeping the baby's umbilical cord dry

Keeping the umbilical cord area dry and not moist is helpful in preventing the growth of infection-causing fungi and bacteria. A moist umbilical area can also hinder the healing process of the wound.

2. Know how to bathe the baby

How to bathe a baby with a cord that has not come off is indeed a challenge. When the umbilical cord has not been removed, it is best to bathe the baby by washing with a cloth rather than immersing the baby's body in water.

3. Provide air

Do not close the baby's umbilical cord continuously to prevent bleeding. Leaving the cord open for a few moments can help dry the cord quickly.

4.  Do not pull the baby's navel forcefully

Let the baby's umbilical cord fall off by itself. When it is time, the baby's umbilical cord will dry up and fall off. Do not give alcohol or forcefully pull the umbilical cord when it is not ready to come off because it can cause the umbilical cord to bleed.

5. Dress your baby in loose-fitting, sweat-absorbent clothes

Choose baby clothes that are soft and not tight so as not to put pressure on the baby's umbilical cord. In addition, materials that are easy to absorb sweat are also highly recommended for your little one, because tight clothes that do not absorb sweat well can cause infections and umbilical cord bleeding.

6. Routinely change diapers

Changing diapers regularly is important when the baby's umbilical cord has not been removed. Using clean and dry diapers can prevent dirt from entering the baby's umbilical area, thus preventing infection.

As in MAKUKU SAP Diapers which features a belly button U-shape, which is a U-shaped curve on the front of the diaper. This belly button u-shape feature can protect the umbilical cord from friction and prevent bleeding umbilical cord infection and diaper rash.

MAKUKU SAP Diapers also uses SAP (Super Absorbent Polymer) technology which makes the diapers anti clump and super thin super absorbent. Thin diapers make babies comfortable to move and absorption is fast and evenly distributed throughout the diaper surface. So that the surface of the diaper remains dry and does not create humid conditions in the diaper.


The condition of the baby's bleeding umbilical cord is natural when the umbilical cord comes off. Moms and dads just need to wipe and clean it with a clean cloth. However, if the bleeding umbilical cord occurs continuously and is accompanied by other symptoms, then do not underestimate and ignore it. Immediately check your little one's condition to the doctor to get the right treatment. (Aq/MKK)







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