Smart Choosing Contraceptives, Let's Recognize the Strengths and Weaknesses

Smart Choosing Contraceptives, Let's Recognize the Strengths and Weaknesses

written by : MAKUKU - 26 Sep 2022

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Contraceptive devices are methods or tools used to prevent and delay pregnancy. Usually married couples use contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancies. For example, the condition of a woman's body does not allow her to get pregnant or does not want to have a baby. There are many types of contraception, mom and dad can choose which contraceptive method is suitable for the needs and conditions of the body. Come on, identify what types of contraceptives are and know their advantages or disadvantages.

In general, contraceptives that are popular in Indonesia are divided into two types, namely hormonal and non-hormonal contraceptives. Hormonal contraceptives are contraceptives used to prevent pregnancy containing the hormones estrogen and progesterone or synthetic. Types of hormonal contraception include birth control pills, injectable contraceptives and implants. While non-hormonal contraception is a way to prevent sperm from meeting the egg without using hormones. These types of non-hormonal contraceptives are condoms, sterile, IUDs to natural family planning calendars.

Now, after knowing what types of contraception or family planning are, here are the advantages and disadvantages of each:


Pil KB

Pill is a combination of progestin and estrogen content. Where these two hormones can help women hold the ovaries from producing eggs and prevent ovulation. Birth control pills are effective in preventing pregnancy more than 90% to 99% if used correctly and regularly. The way this birth control pill works is by thickening cervical mucus so that the uterine wall is not ready to accept fertilization.

The advantage of using birth control pills is that they are easy to use because they only need to be taken every day at the same time according to the rules. The price is also affordable, does not interfere with sexual intercourse, does not interfere with menstruation, does not affect fertility and can stop at any time when you want to plan to get pregnant again. Even this birth control pill can overcome health problems such as menstrual pain, prevent cancer and prevent anemia.

While the drawback of this birth control pill is that it cannot prevent sexually transmitted diseases. It can even trigger menstrual bleeding, make you fat, and other side effects such as mood swings, nausea, headaches and breast tenderness.

Injection KB

injections KB injections are contraceptives that are in great demand by women in Indonesia. KB injections consist of KB injections once a month and KB injections every 3 months. Birth control injections contain a combination of the hormones progesterone and estrogen. Usually this birth control injection is done in the upper arm or buttocks. This injectable contraceptive method has a high effectiveness, which is more than 99%. How it works, after the injection hormone levels will increase and then decrease gradually until the next injection.

The advantage of using this 3-month contraceptive injection is that it is very safe to use for breastfeeding mothers after six weeks postpartum. And not too much impact on the menstrual cycle so that menstruation remains regular. Fertility levels can return to normal in a relatively short time. Injectable birth control does not cause uterine dryness and fertility problems.

While the lack of birth control injections can cause dizziness, breast pain, mood swings, migraines, spotting and weight gain. Because injectable contraceptives can cause a buildup of body fluids and cause obesity, although not significantly.

Implant or implant KB

This type of contraceptive implant is also known as KB implants. Because implants are used by inserting an implant or needle into the upper arm. This contraceptive implant can be used for 3-5 years. The use of birth control implants has an effectiveness rate of up to 99% in preventing pregnancy. The way contraceptive implants work is by thickening cervical mucus which can interfere with the process of endometrial formation so that implantation occurs and suppresses ovulation.

The advantage of using this implant is that you don't need to take oral pills every day. Safe to use by breastfeeding mothers, can reduce menstrual pain and does not affect fertility. Meanwhile, the disadvantages of this type of contraception are that it cannot protect against sexually transmitted diseases, does not have menstruation, and can trigger headaches.



Condoms are the easiest and most practical means of contraception. How condoms work by stopping sperm from reaching the egg by creating a physical barrier in the form of latex rubber. Actually, condoms can work effectively in preventing pregnancy if used properly. The effectiveness of condoms in preventing pregnancy reaches 98 percent.

The advantage of using a condom is that it makes sex cleaner and safer. Condoms can prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV infection or AIDS. But the use of condoms for some people can cause allergies because of the ingredients used in this contraceptive. And improper storage and use can reduce the effectiveness of condoms in preventing pregnancy.  


The IUD or spiral KB has the shape of the letter T. How to use it, this T-shaped device is inserted into the uterine cavity by a midwife or doctor. Moms who use this type of family planning, don't be surprised, because usually the IUD will leave a little thread in the vagina to indicate the position of this device,

the IUD has a high effectiveness in preventing pregnancy. The chance of pregnancy after using the IUD correctly is less than 1%. The IUD contraception is more practical because it is only enough to be inserted once and its use can be used for a long term, which is 3-5 years. While the drawbacks or side effects of using IUDs are irregular menstrual periods and many of them. Even the use of this IUD can cause pelvic infections.


birth control is the most effective method of permanently preventing pregnancy. Two types of sterile family planning for women are tubal implants (non-surgical) and tubal ligation (surgical). The way this sterile family planning works is by cutting or tying the fallopian tubes. The ability of this sterile KB in preventing pregnancy reaches 99.9 percent.

In addition to preventing pregnancy, sterile family planning does not affect hormones and the menstrual cycle. This sterile KB only needs to be done once. Even the possibility of this type of contraception is not found side effects in the long term. (Aq/MKK)









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