Prevent Diaper Rash With Diaper New Technology From MAKUKU

Protect your little one's sensitive skin from diaper rash with MAKUKU. Its SAP technology effectively absorbs and prevents irritation.

written by : MAKUKU - 5 Dec 2024

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Who is a parent who doesn't fret about diaper rash? Diaper rash is a reddish, inflamed skin condition on the buttocks or around the area covered by diapers. Usually diaper rash is associated with wet diapers, infrequent diaper changes, diarrhea, and new foods. Well, for Moms and Dads, the easiest way to prevent diaper rash due to diaper use can be done by using new technology and the best quality diapers such as SAP Thin Core diapers.

Causes of Diaper Rash in Babies

Generally, diaper rash is caused by several factors, such as:

  • Use of diapers that are the wrong size, too tight, or loose
  • Lack of air circulation in diapers
  • Allergies or baby's skin type is too sensitive
  • Prolonged use of diapers soiled with urine and feces
  • Friction between skin and diaper surface

For the symptoms themselves, diaper rash can be recognized by characteristics including the appearance of redness on the skin, red spots, wounds, and swelling in areas covered by diapers such as the groin or vital organs. As for the baby's attitude, usually,y the little one affected by diaper rash is more fussy, restless, uncomfortable, or in pain. Even your little one will often wake up at night.

If Moms and Dads see these symptoms in their little ones, try to look at the genitals, waist, thighs the buttocks of your little one. Who knows the cause of the baby's unease is indeed due to diaper rash. After knowing the cause, Moms and Dads will find it easier to treat diaper rash. Most diaper rashes will get better after getting home treatment for a few days with special baby ointments. If there is no change or the symptoms are accompanied by fever and the rash is widespread, a visit to the doctor is required.

In addition to these causes, the risk of diaper rash in babies can increase if the child takes antibiotic medication or the mother takes antibiotics while breastfeeding according to several sources. Please note that antibiotics can kill bacteria that are good or harmful to the body. So, when your little one takes antibiotics, the bacteria that inhibit the growth of fungi are also killed. This is why the use of antibiotics is very influential and can cause antibiotics due to mold growth.

Diaper rash is susceptible to babies aged 0-12 months. Where at that age babies still urinate and defecate frequently. The baby's skin is still very sensitive, the skin is still thin, and the pH of the skin is still high compared to adults. Given this, parents must also be extra attentive to their little one's skin care.

Diaper Rash Prevention with MAKUKU

Some babies are very prone to diaper rash. Therefore, as the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. So, parents should know how to prevent and avoid diaper rash in babies. There are several ways to prevent diaper rash that can be done, namely using diaper cream, keeping the genital area clean, and avoiding cleaning your little one's genitals excessively with wet wipes or powder.

On the diaper side, choose the correct size diaper. Adjust the size of your baby's diaper according to their weight, not their age. Then, don't forget to change diapers at least every 2-3 hours as recommended by IDAI even though your little one's diaper is not too full. And, the most important thing is to use the best quality diapers and use SAP Thin Core technology such as diaper variants from MAKUKU.

SAP Thin Core is a technology that is effective in absorbing and locking fluids. MAKUKU diapers will not make the diapers clumped when accommodating your little one's fluids. The diaper will not change shape, not clump or even bulge. Because the absorption is fast, evenly distributed, and not only in one point. So it effectively reduces the risk of diaper rash on your little one. (Aq/MKK)
















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