Diaper Rash Becomes a Child's Skin Subscription Problem

Diaper Rash Becomes a Child's Skin Subscription Problem

written by : MAKUKU - 5 Apr 2024

Read duration : 3 min

Baby's sensitive skin makes them prone to skin problems. One of them is diaper rash which is a frequent skin problem in children. MAKUKU Family as a mother and child consultant will provide tips on how to prevent and treat diaper rash that can be done at home.

Diaper rash is similar to prickly heat but the cases and causes are distinctly different. So to handle it is not the same. Diaper rash is usually redness of the skin accompanied by rashes that occur due to the use of diapers. If parents are confused about how to distinguish between diaper rash, prickly heat and allergies, it's best not to self-diagnose.

According to dr. Andreas, a pediatrician, diaper rash can happen to anyone, including adults or the elderly. But the most vulnerable in infants, especially under 9 months and newborns or newborns. This is because the function of the baby's skin is not perfect like adults. As well as diapers that are too tight, there is no air circulation and irregular diaper changes. Especially in babies who have a history of atopic dermatitis, they will definitely experience diaper rash.

"Baby's skin has an open top which must get protection so that the hydration in the skin doesn't evaporate easily so that it becomes dehydrated. Now, this is guarded or covered with baby cream with the aim that the moisture in the breast doesn't dry out quickly, "explained. Dr. Andreas.

How to prevent diaper rash

To prevent diaper rash, dr. Andreas suggested that the diaper should be changed every 3-4 hours. The selection of diapers must also be right, starting from the size according to the child's weight. The selection of the right diaper is to prioritize the comfort of the baby when used.

“Starting from the material, it is non-irritating and also has high absorption. After that, it is important to maintain circulation in the diaper-covered skin,” said dr. Andreas.

That's why, parents must make sure that the diaper has a cavity and good air circulation. Without it, the skin will become moist and trigger diaper rash. dr. Andreas said that it is important to keep the skin layer before using diapers. so that between the skin and the diaper there is a barrier or emollient that can protect the baby's skin from diaper rash.

“Baby cream is important to moisturize as well as to maintain the barrier so that infection or diaper rash does not occur. Baby cream can be used every time you change diapers, especially for babies with allergic skin because they tend to be dry,” said dr. Andreas.

Treat diaper rash with home remedies

Here's how to deal with the problem of diaper rash at home according to dr. Andreas:

  • Protecting baby's skin must be maintained by using baby cream.
  • Clean the diaper-covered skin area with water and a cotton swab or wet tissue.
  • Pay attention to how to clean the baby's genital area, which is to clean with a tissue from top to bottom and change sides until all is used. Do not use the same side of the tissue when cleaning the baby's genital area as this can cause the transfer of germs.
  • Avoid using powder on the skin of babies who have diaper rash.
  • Apply a special baby cream for diaper rash.

Regarding the frequent changing of diaper brands, Dr. Andreas said that if it is suitable for one brand of diaper, it is better not to change and not to change diaper brands. Only the size is adjusted to the baby's weight and growth.

As a mother and child consultant, MAKUKU Family recommends that parents choose anti-clot diapers, have high absorption, and do not reverse osmosis. Apart from skin rashes due to diaper problems, about parenting and other health, you can't get it by following @makuku.indonesia.official. (Aq/Mkk)







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