The Best Protection From Diaper Rash For Your Little One

The Best Protection From Diaper Rash For Your Little One

written by : MAKUKU - 29 Dec 2022

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Research from the Health Polytechnic of the Semarang Ministry of Health (Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang) in November 2019, at least more than 50% of babies who use diapers will experience diaper rash. The biggest risk of diaper rash occurs at the age of 6-9 months, so Moms and Dads must pay more attention to their little one, especially in terms of choosing diapers and the best protection from diaper rash for their little one.

In Indonesia alone, according to IDAI data, around 7-35% of babies aged 6-12 months experience diaper rash. With the total population of Indonesia, that means as many as 1.9-10 million babies get diaper rash. According to Dr. Fatimah Pitaloca or fondly called dr. Pita, as the Lactacyd Baby Expert, said that diaper rash is a baby's skin problem when irritation or inflammation occurs due to the use of diapers. The reason why your little one is prone to diaper rash is that the baby's skin structure is still about 30% thinner than adults. The distance between cells on baby's skin is also looser than that of adults. 

"Baby skin dries more easily, the pH of baby skin is higher than adults, which is around 6.8. This is what makes harmful bacteria thrive and is prone to diaper rash," explained dr. Ribbons on MAKUKU's Instagram Live with Lactacyd with the theme The Best Protection from Diaper Rash for Your Little Ones on Friday, December 23, 2022.

Diaper Rashes Increase Due to This, Be Alert!

Many factors cause the appearance of diaper rash. However, moms and dads also need to know what are the factors that can increase the risk of diaper rash. Dr. Pita explained that diaper rash can stalk your little one if: If

  • the diaper is used for too long, mom and dad are recommended to change diapers at least once every 3-4 hours.
  • Wrong diaper size, don't use diapers that are too narrow or too big. Small diapers will leak easily and make the skin moist.
  • Using unsuitable products, for example containing hypoallergenic.

Well, after knowing the factors that can trigger diaper rash. Mom and dad must also know what the symptoms of diaper rash are. This is useful so that mom and dad can detect whether your little one has diaper rash, how to handle it and when to see a doctor. Symptoms of diaper rash can be identified by signs in the form of areas of skin around the diaper experiencing redness, scaly skin, swelling, skin feeling warm to the point where the skin turns fatally into sores or blisters. 

Diaper rash can be cured with the right and proper treatment. The correct way to deal with diaper rash at home is to change diapers regularly to prevent your baby's feces or urine from being in contact with the skin for too long. Ensure that the size of the diaper used by your little one is not too small or too big, maintain the cleanliness of the diaper area by washing your hands first before changing the diaper. And, don't use powder in areas of skin affected by diaper rash so as not to exacerbate the condition of diaper rash.

"Avoid using powder because powder mixed with your little one's moist skin can actually increase the risk of diaper rash, irritation and infection," said dr. Tape.

When will diaper rash heal and when is the right time to take the baby to the doctor?

Dr. Pita said that the healing period for diaper rash takes 4-7 days. If within 3 days, the diaper rash shows the characteristics of a healed diaper rash, such as the redness of the skin decreases and dries up. However, if within 3 days the diaper rash does not improve, such as the redness is spreading more widely, accompanied by fever and other symptoms, immediately take your little one to the doctor. Because if diaper rash is left unchecked it can cause other health problems and affect the growth and development of your little one.  

In cases of severe diaper rash, where the redness on the skin feels itchy to the point of pain, it can interfere with your little one's rest time. even dr. pita adds babies can be fussy all day, uncomfortable, and become difficult to eat. “Sleep is the best time for your little one to increase immunity and repair cells in the body. When diaper rash disturbs your little one's sleep, it can make your little one more susceptible to infection, fever and requires further treatment.

MAKUKU and Lactacyd Collaborate to Provide Comprehensive Protection

collaboration MAKUKU's with Lactacyd Baby is part of MAKUKU to always accompany mothers in Indonesia in preparing the best for their little ones. Through the#RuamPopokExpert implemented by MAKUKU during December - January, MAKUKU hopes that mothers in Indonesia will get quality products that are suitable for their little one's sensitive skin which is prone to irritation and rashes, especially diaper rash. 

In fact, more than 50% of infants will experience at least one episode of irritant diaper dermatitis during the diaper wearing phase. For this reason, MAKUKU Indonesia is collaborating with Lactacyd Baby to provide parenting education that supports the growth and development of your little one. Especially in preventing diaper rash in your little one. In addition, MAKUKU also presents high-quality diapers using new SAP (Super Absorbent Polymer) core structure technology. Why can the core SAP structure of MAKUKU diapers reduce the risk of diaper rash? Because with these materials, MAKUKU has a high absorption power. Where the absorbed liquid can be locked to the maximum, the absorption is high and evenly distributed. So that MAKUKU SAP Diapers diapers do not have lumps, the surface of the diapers is dry, prevents leakage and is able to keep your little one's skin dry.

In fighting diaper rash, apart from collaborating with Lactacyd Baby, MAKUKU has just held a free health consultation program simultaneously in 10 big cities in Indonesia. We are working with 10 hospitals in Jakarta, Tangerang, Bandung, Karawang, Makassar, Palembang, Lampung, Medan, Surabaya on 16-18 December 2022. Not only providing free health consultations from doctors, MAKUKU also provides education through educational talk shows and seminars. 

So, this is proof of MAKUKU to helping Indonesian parents, especially in overcoming the problem of diaper rash. Come on, give the best protection for your little one's skin with quality products. (Aq/MKK)






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