A good type of diaper is not clumping, here's why!

A good type of diaper is not clumping, here's why!

written by : MAKUKU - 14 Mar 2022

Read duration : 3 min

Diaper selection is very important for both children and parents. Selection of the right diaper by parents is necessary to avoid discomfort to the baby and make it difficult for them to move from time to time. A good diaper is a diaper that is comfortable for children to use and does not clump.

So that your little one is free to explore the surrounding environment and feel confident to move freely. The criteria for a good diaper are diapers that have high absorption and are able to absorb quickly. This means that the surface of the diaper remains dry and does not make the baby's skin moist. This reduces the risk of diaper rash and infection in the area around the diaper.

According to  Family Consultant Pediatrician, Dr. Andreas, diaper selection is also related to diaper material that must be considered. Such as the use of the SAP (Super Absorbent Polymer) core structure in the Air Diapers type. This SAP core structure makes the diaper not easy to clump so that the surface of the diaper remains stable even though it is shaken and holds a lot of liquid.

"It is important to know that the skin of babies under the age of 9 months is still very sensitive, different from the skin of adults. For that, parents should not just choose diapers, in choosing diapers, parents must consider the ingredients contained in the diapers, "explained dr. Andreas.

Because choosing the wrong diaper can increase the risk of skin problems such as diaper rash, allergies, irritation to bacterial infections. Not only that, choose a diaper that can support the comfort of your little one who is actively moving and makes him sleep well at night, by choosing a diaper that is ideally thin, like the Makuku Air Diapers, which has a thickness of only 1.6mm.

Although thin, the Makuku Air Diapers are able to hold a lot of fluid so they don't leak. So, a thick diaper is actually not a guarantee that it can prevent leakage, it can actually create a problem, namely your little one becomes uncomfortable because the diaper is thick so it is quite heavy and when it holds liquid it becomes even heavier.

This type of Air Diapers diaper is made of a SAP (Super Absorbent Polymer) core structure, this is what distinguishes it from traditional diapers that still use other mixtures. SAP is a combination of polymer materials with a type of plastic adhesive that is non-toxic and also environmentally friendly. Diapers with this material have a large diaper absorption capacity, quickly and evenly and can maintain their original shape after absorbing liquid.

“Also pay attention to the diaper material which is safe and absorbent and has a large capacity. Also choose a thin diaper so that it feels light even though it holds a lot of baby fluids. Like Makuku Air Diapers with new generation SAP core structure,” said dr. Andreas.

Meanwhile, diapers in general do not use large amounts of SAP or use a mixture of materials such as cotton. Well, this makes other diapers feel thick and the absorption weight is also uneven, which makes your little one's urine accumulate on one side and easily clot. And this is what is very feared can trigger skin problems and will inhibit the growth and development of your little one.

"This type of diaper with a SAP core structure like the Makuku Air Diapers is able to absorb liquid quickly and evenly so as to make it anti-clot," added dr. Andreas. (Aq/MKK)







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