Talkshow Global Morning Show: Educating Parents The Importance of Fulfillment of Nutrition for Children's Growth and Development

Talkshow Global Morning Show : Edukasi Parents Pentingnya Pemenuhan Gizi bagi Tumbuh Kembang Anak

written by : MAKUKU - 28 Jan 2022

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Every parent wants to give the best for their children. Including the food that the little one eats, Mommy must ensure that her nutritional intake is adequate for optimal growth and development.

The question is, what is the best source of nutrition for children that supports their growth and development? Yes! Most of Mommy knows the answer if breast milk is the best source of nutrition and nutrition for children from birth. However, Mommy can't always rely on breast milk as the main nutritional intake as the little one's age continues to grow.

SPV Clinical Nutrition Care St. St. Carolus Salemba Kezia Natasha said that the best source of nutrition for children is the food they eat every day.

For this reason, it is important for Mommy to choose and ensure that all food manufacturing processes comply with healthy food indicators, which include '4 Healthy 5 Perfect' or meet the criteria for My Plate Fill. For those of you who don't know, My Plate Fill is a balanced nutrition guide for everyday life that includes staple foods, side dishes, fruits and vegetables.

"The best source of nutrition comes from daily food from the food given by their parents. Sources of carbohydrates, animal and vegetable protein, sources of fat and don't forget to consume vegetables and fruit for children," said Kezia Natasha in the Global Morning Show with Makuku Family Tuesday, January 25, 2022.

After fulfilling nutrition, parents must also recognize certain characteristics if their little one is malnourished. This can happen if parents do not know about nutrition education and a supportive environment.

"The decline in the immune system such as diarrhea, often fussy in the morning, weight does not increase according to the increase it should have when tested at the Posyandu. That could be considered a sign of lack of nutritional needs," said Chelzea.

Kezia added that the difference in parenting style between 'present day' parents and 'old' parents is a challenge in itself in providing the best source of nutrition for children.

However, with technology such as the internet, social media and consulting services with doctors, parents can determine which one is best for their child.

In particular, Kezia gave a message for parents to be actively involved in setting an example in providing the best nutrition for children. Because they act as role models, parents must start the habit of eating nutritious foods from themselves.

Then, he continued, teach children to love healthy food in order to get balanced nutrition and nutrition.

"In the past, access to information was more limited, the internet didn't exist in the past. For today, parents can add insight and education regarding meeting the right nutritional needs for their little one," said Kezia.

Don't Be Influenced by Hoax

Mom Influencer Chelzea Verhoeven said that all information on the internet related to nutrition needs to be filtered. Because, not a bit of information from the internet that is not yet clear but is trusted by the public.

"Don't be fooled by hoaxes, Mommy must be more selective in choosing information," said Chelzea who became a Guest Star in the Global Radio talk show with the Makuku Family.

As a mother who has a baby, Chelzea is also more selective in choosing the food she consumes by consulting a doctor. Moreover, he exclusively breastfed his 4-month-old baby Raska. Chelzea does the fulfillment of nutrition and nutrition through the right diet so that the breastfeeding process runs smoothly.

"I avoid foods that contain oils, excessive salt, everything that is instant is also reduced. If you can eat home-made food because we can control it ourselves in terms of ingredients and the cooking process. Try to cook for yourself and look for fresh ones for children," said Chelsea.

After ensuring that the best sources of nutrition for children are met, parents must also determine the right diaper for optimal child growth and development. As is known, diapers are the baby's 'first clothes' worn throughout the day.

You can imagine, if the diaper does not have good quality, then the growth and development of the little one will be disturbed. For example, diapers that clump due to poor absorption will trigger the growth of bacteria in the baby's skin area. As a result, the baby will be fussy, will not eat and increase the risk of bacterial infection.

For this reason, Makuku Air Diapers are here through a new innovation as a diaper pioneer with a Super Absorbent Polymer (SAP) core structure that is able to absorb liquid quickly and evenly so it is anti-clotting, extra dry and super thin.

Makuku Brand Representative Muhammad Tazul Arifin said the presence of Makuku Air Diapers can answer Mommy's need for quality diapers and of course soft on the skin so that the baby's growth and development is optimal.

"The content of the SAP core structure that makes this anti-clotting diaper will not hinder your little one's movement. Your little one can explore the surrounding environment without feeling heavy and burdened when the diaper is full," said Tazul.

So, have you found the right diaper to support your little one's growth and development? (RR/MKK)



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