The right way to warm breast milk to maintain its quality

The right way to warm breast milk to maintain its quality

written by : MAKUKU - 20 Jun 2023

Read duration : 6 min

For moms who have just given birth, giving breast milk is one of the important daily activities. For moms who give breast milk from pumping and stored in the freezer, before giving it to the little one, the breast milk will be warmed first. Warming this breast milk is useful so that the consistency of breast milk is easier to mix again. There are several ways to warm breast milk that can be adjusted to the needs and still maintain the nutritional content of breast milk.

In some cases, not all mothers can breastfeed their babies due to certain factors. In order to be able to provide breast milk to the baby, usually the mother will do power pumping or the technique of pumping breast milk and giving it through a milk bottle. This is also done by many working mothers to provide breast milk stock at home. Some mothers give the pumped breast milk directly after pumping or store it in the refrigerator.

The Right Way to Warm Breast Milk

When you want to give breast milk, the cold breast milk will be warmed first. How to warm breast milk is also a variety of ways that can be done by moms and can be adjusted to the needs. Here's how:

How to Warm Breast Milk from the Bottom of the Refrigerator

To warm breast milk from the bottom of the refrigerator, moms and dads can use the following method:

  1. Prepare a water heating device, such as a kettle or small pot, and clean water. Make sure it is clean and in good condition.
  2. Pour the water into the water heater, and heat it to the desired temperature. The recommended temperature for warming breast milk is around 37-40 degrees Celsius.
  3. Remove the breast milk bottle from the bottom of the refrigerator. Do not warm the breast milk in the refrigerator as too low a temperature may cause the baby to bloat.
  4. After that, place the breastmilk bottle in the container containing the hot water. Make sure the water does not enter the breast milk bottle.
  5. Leave the breastmilk bottle submerged in the hot water for a few minutes, and make sure the temperature of the breastmilk has reached the desired temperature.
  6. Check the temperature of the breastmilk by putting a few drops on your wrist. Breast milk that has been warmed should feel warm, but not hot.

How to Warm Breastmilk from the Freezer

Almost the same as how to heat breast milk from the bottom of the refrigerator, but how to warm breast milk from the freezer must pay attention to the following points:

  1. Prepare a water heating device, such as a kettle or small pot, and clean water. Make sure they are clean and in good condition.
  2. Fill a larger container with hot water, enough to submerge your breastmilk bottle.
  3. Remove the breast milk bottle from the freezer. Make sure the breastmilk bottle is placed in a closed container so that it is not exposed to water.
  4. Place the breastmilk bottle in the container of hot water. Make sure the water does not enter the breast milk bottle.
  5. Let the breastmilk bottle soak in the hot water for a few minutes. After a few minutes, check the temperature of the breastmilk by putting a few drops on your wrist. The warmed breastmilk should feel warm, but not hot.

How to Warm Breastmilk from a Bottle Warmer

A bottle warmer is a tool to prepare warm milk or food for babies. With this tool, breast milk can be warmed with the following steps:

  1. Prepare the bottle warmer according to the instructions for use. Make sure the bottle warmer is in good and clean condition before use.
  2. Fill the bottle warmer with clean water up to the recommended limit in the instructions for use.
  3. Place the breastmilk bottle that has been frozen or stored at a cold temperature in the bottle warmer.
  4. Turn on the bottle warmer and wait for the breast milk bottle to warm up. Usually, the bottle warmer will automatically turn off when the desired temperature is reached.
  5. Once the breastmilk is warmed up, check the temperature of the breastmilk by putting a few drops on your wrist. Breast milk that has been warmed should feel warm, but not hot.
  6. Do not warm breastmilk in a bottle warmer for more than the time recommended in the instructions. Too long in the bottle warmer can overheat the breastmilk or reduce its nutrients.

Once the breastmilk has been warmed, feed it to the baby immediately. Do not store warmed breastmilk for long periods of time as this can lead to bacterial growth. Keep in mind that heating breast milk in the way you choose above, breast milk that has been warmed should not be reheated. You should also discard any unused breast milk within 1-2 hours after giving it to your baby.

How to Store Breast Milk

The content of breast milk is very good for the health of the baby. in addition to how to serve it, the correct way to store expressed breast milk can help moms who work or move outside the home to be able to provide breast milk to meet the needs of the baby. Storing breast milk in the refrigerator or freezer is believed to help protect breast milk from microbial bacterial contamination that can damage the naturalness of breast milk.

How to Store Breast Milk Based on Centers of Disease Control and Prevention Guidelines

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), parents should not only pay attention to how to properly warm frozen breast milk to maintain its nutritional content. But also knowing how to store breast milk properly to maintain its quality. Here's how to store breast milk properly based on the CDC's recommendations:

  1. As mentioned earlier, heated expressed breast milk is not recommended to be stored back in the refrigerator and reheated.
  2. Use an ideal container such as a special breastmilk bottle or breastmilk bag when storing breastmilk in a cooler.
  3. Breast milk stored in the refrigerator should be labeled with the date and time it was expressed. The purpose is to ensure whether or not the expressed breast milk is suitable for consumption by the baby.
  4. Avoid storing breastmilk in the refrigerator door. Because the temperature on the refrigerator door can change every time it is opened and this can have an unfavorable impact on the quality of ASIP which experiences temperature changes every time.
  5. Breast milk that has just been expressed or will not be used within the next 4 days should be frozen immediately to protect the quality of the milk.
  6. Do not store large amounts of breastmilk in one cooler because breastmilk can expand when frozen.
  7. Over time, the quality of the frozen breast milk will decrease, so it is better to use the oldest breast milk first.

Well, how to warm the breast milk must be considered, moms. Because after all, the nutritional content of breast milk must be maintained properly so that it can be useful in helping your child's optimal growth and development.

The breastfeeding process must go well, so that the child gets enough milk for his needs. Comfort during the breastfeeding process can be created by providing comfortable clothes that stick to the little one's body, including diapers. Make sure your little one wears super thin diapers that are super absorbent and anti-clump like MAKUKU SAP Diapers Comfort Fit.

For moms and dads who want to know what are the advantages of MAKUKU SAP Diapers Comfort Fit, let's check here. Takut Ruam Popok Pakai MAKUKU! (Aq/MKK)








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