5 Benefits of 4D Ultrasound that Prospective Parents Must Know

The benefits of 4D ultrasound are to see fetal movement and development in detail, detect abnormalities, and build emotional bonds between mother and baby.

written by : MAKUKU - 3 May 2024

Read duration : 5 min

Before the birth of your baby, moms definitely want to know everything about his development in the womb. One way to monitor the health and growth of the fetus is to carry out an ultrasound examination.

In this modern era, ultrasound technology has developed rapidly, presenting 4D ultrasound, which offers more realistic and detailed images of the fetus. In contrast to 2D ultrasound, which only displays black-and-white images, 4D ultrasound is able to produce 3D images of the fetus with more realistic movements.

For moms who are pregnant, you may be wondering: What are the benefits of 4D ultrasound? Here are 5 benefits of 4D ultrasound that moms must know.

What is a 4D ultrasound?

4D ultrasound is an advanced ultrasound technology that combines 3D images with real-time movement. The results of the 4D ultrasound will show a more detailed image of your little one, from facial expressions to hand and foot movements to facial expressions.

A 4D ultrasound examination uses high-frequency sound waves that are emitted into Mom's uterus. These sound waves are then captured by the probe and processed into images that can be seen on the monitor screen.

When is the right time for a 4D ultrasound?

The right time to do a 4D ultrasound is between the 27th and 32nd weeks of pregnancy. At this gestational age, your little one has developed enough so that the resulting images are clearer and more detailed.

However, moms need to consult with a gynecologist first to determine the right time for a 4D ultrasound. The doctor will consider the gestational age, health condition of Mom and your little one, as well as the purpose of the examination.

Benefits of 4D Ultrasound for Pregnant Women

Quoted from Mitra Keluarga.com, here are 10 benefits of 4D ultrasound for moms and their little ones:

1. Confirm pregnancy and estimate the due date.

A 4D ultrasound can be used to confirm pregnancy and estimate your little one's due date. This is done by looking at the size and development of your little one.

The doctor will measure various parts of your little one's body, such as head length, biparietal diameter, and abdominal circumference. From the results of this measurement, the doctor can estimate the gestational age and birth date of your little one more accurately.

2. Confirm the number of fetuses in the womb.

4D ultrasound can be used to confirm the number of fetuses in the womb. It is important to know whether moms are pregnant with twins or singletons.

With 4D ultrasound, the doctor can see clearly how many gestational sacs are in Mom's uterus. This cannot be done with 2D ultrasound, which sometimes produces less clear images.

3. Ensure that an ectopic pregnancy does not occur.

Ectopic pregnancy is a condition in which the fetus develops outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tube. Ectopic pregnancy can be dangerous for the health of moms and their little ones.

4D ultrasound can be used to detect ectopic pregnancy by looking at the location of the fetus. If the fetus is not in the uterus, the doctor can diagnose an ectopic pregnancy and take appropriate action immediately.

4. Determine the gender of the baby.

At certain gestational ages, 4D ultrasound can be used to determine the sex of the baby. This is usually done at 18 weeks of gestation and above, when your little one's genital organs are clearly formed.

However, keep in mind that the accuracy of 4D ultrasound in determining the sex of the baby is not 100%. There are several factors that can affect accuracy, such as fetal position, ultrasound image quality, and doctor experience.

5. Detect problems with the uterus, ovaries, cervix, or placenta.

4D ultrasound can be used to detect problems with the uterus, ovaries, cervix, or placenta. It is important to diagnose and treat your health problems appropriately.

Doctors can clearly see the structure of Mom's reproductive organs using 4D ultrasound. This allows doctors to detect abnormalities such as uterine myoma, ovarian cysts, cervical cancer, and placenta previa.

6. Detect birth defects.

4D ultrasound can be used to detect several types of birth defects, such as heart defects, spina bifida, and cleft lips. This is important to help moms and dads prepare themselves to welcome their little ones.

Although 4D ultrasound cannot detect all types of birth defects, it can help doctors diagnose abnormalities earlier. This allows doctors to provide appropriate advice and treatment for moms and their little ones.

7. Detect and monitor the fetal heart rate.

4D ultrasound can be used to detect and monitor fetal heartbeats. This is important to ensure your little one's health.

Doctors can clearly see your little one's heartbeat on the 4D ultrasound screen. This allows the doctor to detect if there are abnormalities in your little one's heartbeat, such as bradycardia (slow heartbeat) or tachycardia (fast heartbeat).

8. Monitor the age and development of the fetus.

4D ultrasound can be used to monitor the age and development of the fetus. This is important to ensure that your little one grows and develops well.

Doctors can measure various parts of your little one's body using 4D ultrasound and compare them with the normal fetal growth table. This allows the doctor to detect if there is a growth delay in your little one.

9. Monitor the position of the fetus in the uterus.

4D ultrasound can be used to monitor the position of the fetus in the uterus. It is important to know whether your little one is in a head or breech position.

The position of the fetus before delivery is very important to determine the type of delivery that will be carried out. If your little one is in a head position, normal delivery can be carried out. However, if your little one is in a breech position, the doctor may need to perform a caesarean section.

10. Monitor how much amniotic fluid there is.

A 4D ultrasound can be used to monitor how much amniotic fluid there is. This is important to ensure that your little one has enough fluids to grow and develop well.

Amniotic fluid functions to protect your little one from impacts, maintain your little one's body temperature, and help your little one to breathe and swallow. If the amount of amniotic fluid is too little (oligohydramnios) or too much (polyhydramnios), complications can occur in pregnancy.

4D ultrasound is a technology that is useful for moms and their little ones. Moms can experience various benefits of 4D ultrasound, from detecting fetal abnormalities to increasing bonding with their little ones.

However, moms need to consult with a gynecologist first to determine the right time for a 4D ultrasound.






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