Line on belly during young pregnancy, is it Linea Nigra?

Have you ever seen a line on your stomach during pregnancy? don't worry it's a pregnancy line or linea nigra. Find out here what linea nigra is.

written by : MAKUKU - 11 Jan 2024

Read duration : 3 min

Pregnant women will experience many changes, ranging from changes in body shape to mood. In addition, changes in pregnancy hormones can also cause lines to appear on the abdomen during young pregnancy. Maybe not many people know the cause of the elongated line or linea nigra during pregnancy. Let's see the following explanation moms.

Linea nigra is a blackish brown vertical line that extends from the navel to the pubic bone. Increasing gestational age makes this line on the abdomen more visible. Linea nigra or also known as pregnancy lines is a common phenomenon in pregnant women. So, don't worry about the line on your belly during pregnancy.

Causes of black lines in the abdomen during pregnancy

The appearance of linea nigra during pregnancy is associated with hormonal changes in pregnant women. Higher than normal levels of estrogen and melanocyte-stimulating hormones act on cells that contain melanin. Melanin itself is the pigment that gives skin its color.

The main cause of these dark lines is related to the hormonal changes that occur in the body during pregnancy. The increase in melanin hormones stimulates higher melanin production beneath the surface of the skin and causes dark lines to appear. More intense melanin production in the alba line area (mid-abdominal area) can cause black lines to form.

Apart from the black line on the abdomen, some pregnant women may also experience increased pigmentation on the face, areola (breast nipple), and other areas. All of this is related to hormonal changes during pregnancy.

Types of Linea in Pregnant Women

The lines on the abdomen during pregnancy in every pregnant woman can be different. Although it has a line that stretches, the color of the line may not be the same as one another. Because this pregnancy line has variations. Here are the kinds of linea in pregnant women:

Linea Alba

This pregnancy line can actually appear before pregnancy but not so visible. Before turning black, this linea appears white or called linea alba. Because the color is light and faint, not many pregnant women are aware of the appearance of linea alba. Usually, pregnant women begin to realize linea alba during the first trimester of pregnancy.

At the beginning of pregnancy, the lines that initially resemble this skin color will turn brown and blacken. This color change occurs due to the surge of melanocyte cells that make the linea brown.

Linea Nigra

As explained earlier, the increase in hormones will encourage the production of more melanin. This high melanin in the body causes the pregnancy line to become darker or also known as linea nigra.

Usually this linea nigra appears more clearly when pregnant women enter the second trimester. The condition of the growing abdomen also makes the abdominal wall widen and causes the linea alba to separate. Finally, the linea becomes weak and loses its elasticity.

How to Overcome Belly Lines in Pregnant Women

Pregnant women do not need special treatment to remove linea nigra. Because linea nigra will disappear on its own after pregnancy when hormones return to normal. Linea nigra will fade gradually within a few weeks after delivery. In fact, there are some who take longer up to 9-12 months.

However, to reduce the appearance of linea nigra, pregnant women can eat foods that are high in folic acid. In addition, the color of the linea nigra is also affected by how often pregnant women are exposed to direct sunlight. So, pregnant women can use sunscreen or sunscreen with safe content. 


This line on the abdomen during pregnancy is a natural part of pregnancy. Linea nigra also has nothing to do with any health problems during pregnancy. There are no drugs or treatments that can eliminate linea nigra, moms because it will disappear by itself. (Aq/MKK)






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