How to massage pregnant women safely and correctly

How to massage pregnant women safely and correctly in the abdomen and back area, let's go! Learn the techniques so you can help your wife comfortably.

written by : MAKUKU - 11 Jul 2024

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Massaging pregnant women requires special attention to ensure safety and comfort for both mother and baby. Massage during pregnancy can provide many benefits, such as reducing physical discomfort, relieving stress, and improving blood circulation. Here is a guide on how to massage pregnant women safely and correctly.

Benefits of Massage During Pregnancy

A study in the journal Expert Rev Obstetric Gynecology in 2010 reported that a group of pregnant women who were massaged regularly were shown to have fewer pregnancy complications.  The benefits of massage during pregnancy are as follows:

  1. Reduces Stress and Anxiety
  2. Relieves Muscle and Joint Pain
  3. Reduces Swelling (Edema)
  4. Improves Blood Circulation
  5. Helps Reduce Insomnia

Steps to Massage Pregnant Women Safely

Before starting a massage, make sure pregnant women consult with their doctor to ensure that the massage is safe for their pregnancy condition. Furthermore, make sure that pregnant women are massaged in the right position according to the age of the womb.

  • First Trimester: Mom can lie on her back or side.
  • Second and Third Trimester: It is recommended to lie on your side with a pillow between your knees for comfort.

Massage in pregnant women is allowed. However, avoid direct pressure on the abdomen. Areas that are safe for pregnant women to massage are the back, neck, shoulders, feet, and hands. Well, during the massage, pregnant women can use safe massage oils such as coconut oil or almond oil. Avoid oils with harsh chemicals or strong scents.

Make sure to massage pregnant women using gentle techniques or methods. Use movements that are not too strong. Avoid deep pressure on certain points that can trigger contractions.

Safe and Correct Massage for Pregnant Women

Massaging pregnant women in the wrong way can cause miscarriage. In addition, pregnant women with a history of bleeding, miscarriage, early contractions, blood clots and infections are advised not to do this activity. Well, in order not to massage wrongly and cause discomfort in pregnant women, moms must know how to massage pregnant women safely and correctly.

Massaging the Back Area

To massage the back area, pregnant women should lie on their sides with a pillow between their knees. Use circular motions and gentle pressure along the back, from the neck to the waist.

Massaging the Neck and Shoulders

Neck and shoulder massage can be done by pregnant women in a sitting position or lying on their side. Use the thumb and fingers to apply gentle pressure and circular movements to the neck and shoulders.

Massaging Feet and Hands

The hands and feet are not free from changes during pregnancy. Pregnant women often feel tired in their hands and worry about swelling of the legs. To massage the feet and hands, make sure the pregnant woman is lying or sitting with her feet and hands within easy reach. Use circular motions and gentle pressure on the feet and hands. Massage from the fingertips towards the heart to aid circulation.

Massaging the Pelvis and Hip

The body parts of the hips and pelvis are areas that are close to Mrs. Hamill's abdomen. So to massage the pelvic area and hips moms should be careful. Pregnant women are advised to lie on their side with a pillow between their knees to be more comfortable and relaxed. Use circular motions with gentle pressure around the pelvic and hip area to help reduce pain and tension.

Things to Avoid When Massaging Pregnant Women

Massaging the body can make the body more relaxed and help relieve the aches that hit during pregnancy. However, pregnant women who want a massage should pay attention to some things that need to be avoided. Such as avoid applying pressure on certain reflection points such as the ankles and certain areas of the wrists that can trigger contractions.

Do not perform massage if the pregnant mother has certain medical conditions such as preeclampsia, risk of preterm labor, or other serious health problems. If pregnant women feel uncomfortable or experience pain during the massage, stop immediately and consult a doctor.

Massaging pregnant women can provide many benefits as long as it is done correctly and safely. Always consult a doctor before starting a massage during pregnancy, and follow gentle massage techniques and avoid pressure on the abdomen and certain reflexology points.

With the right attention and knowledge, massage during pregnancy can be an effective way to improve the comfort and well-being of pregnant women. (Aq/MKK)





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