Signs Moms Should Change Baby's Diaper, What Are?

Mengganti popok secara rutin akan mengurangi risiko ruam pada kulit bayi. Berikut tanda-tanda yang perlu Moms ketahui terkait kapan harus ganti popok bayi!

written by : MAKUKU - 20 Oct 2023

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The use of disposable diapers for the little one is common and is considered to make the work of the mother easier. Although there are two types of diapers, namely disposable diapers and cloth diapers, in fact disposable diapers seem to have their own stage. Most of the use of disposable diapers for babies has its own reasons, one of which is that parents don't bother cleaning their little one's feces. However, the use of disposable diapers, Moms also need to be diligent in changing diapers every every now and then. 

Changing diapers regularly will reduce the risk of rashes on the baby's skin. The condition of sensitive baby skin is still vulnerable to germs, or fungi. The skin of the baby's buttocks and pubic area is a very sensitive part because this part is the part of the baby's body that is most often moist due to dirt.

Signs Moms Need to Change Baby's Diaper

There are many things to pay attention to when it comes to baby diapers. One of them is recognizing the signs that parents need to know about when to change a baby's diaper. 

Diaper material that is not suitable for sure increases the risk of germs, bacteria, and fungi that can damage the baby's skin. In addition, the intensity of defecation and urination is also a factor in having to change diapers regularly. If the diaper is not changed, the condition of the buttocks and pubic area will be prone to irritation.

The frequency of bowel movements and urination in your little one can also be a sign of his health. Checking the condition of the baby's diaper on a regular basis can help monitor the condition of your little one whether he is receiving adequate food intake, and the milk given is sufficient. 

Naturally, changing diapers is done every 2-3 hours. But not covering will be changed frequently depending on the capacity of the diaper. Diapers that have a pee indicator will make it easier for Mom to check.

However, in order to avoid things that are not desirable, as soon as possible when your little one has urinated or defecated, the diaper is changed immediately. This is because the acid content in the feces can irritate the baby's skin and even cause bladder infections in women.

Selection of Types of Baby Diapers for Your Little One

As previously mentioned, there are two types of diapers. Moms can also choose disposable diapers with pants type instead of adhesive for children who have started to grow and are able to lift their buttocks on their own, this is because disposable baby diapers with pants type are considered safer and don't come off easily.

However, for infants who still can not move her own body, Moms can choose disposable diapers with adhesive type, as this will facilitate Moms replace the diaper while the baby lay.

In choosing a diaper, youmust pay attention to the size of the diaper, because each product from a different brand has different size standards. Usually in the packaging of diaper products there will be a diaper size and weight, Moms can follow these instructions so that the comfort of your little one is maintained.

Moms can tell when to change your little one's diaper by looking at the signs below:

Restless Sleep
Your little one who has been sleeping soundly but suddenly wakes up and cries, and kicks his feet in the air. It could be, your little one asks to be changed to his diaper because the buttocks area already feels moist and sticky.

Little ones
Moms can pay attention to their little ones' expressions when they are silent, usually small children will push when no one is around. If you've seen the expression ngeden from the little one. Moms should immediately get ready to clean your little one's bottom and change a new diaper.

Checking Diaper Condition Immediately 
filled diaper will feel bigger and heavier when held. Moms can change diapers if this condition occurs in your little one. It should be noted, lest Moms waiting a full diaper or leaking, or even changing diapers at all because they think unsoiled. Moms must change the baby's diaper every 2-3 hours. 

Choosing a diaper that has a pee indicator also makes it easier Moms forto know when to change a diaper, without the need to look for signs like the one above. Besides having a pee indicator, another thing to pay attention to is the material of the diaper.

There are many things to Moms. consider when buying diapers  The price of expensive diapers is not a guarantee that the diaper can be comfortably worn by the baby. Giving priority to the needs of the baby the most important thing when Moms. choosing diapers  This can reduce the many negative impacts experienced by the baby later in life.

Choosing diapers for babies is not easy. Besides having to pay attention to the suitability of the baby's skin with the diaper, the mother also needs to be careful to know the advantages and disadvantages of diapers.

Choosing materials that are suitable for your baby's skin type will reduce the risk of skin irritation. With SAP core, anti-clumping technology as well as fast absorption ability and maximum capacity, MAKUKU SAP Diapers can be the solution and the answer Moms.

MAKUKU SAP Diapers with 3D structure is able to absorb urine quickly and evenly so that no clumping occurs in diapers. In addition, MAKUKU SAP Diapers are free from osmosis, so it will make your little one more comfortable with a dry diaper surface layer. Clumping due to urine that has seeped will certainly make your little one feel something is stuck and become uncomfortable.

MAKUKU SAP Diapers have a super thin design with a thickness of only 1.6 mm. This makes MAKUKU SAP Diapers very similar to baby underwear so that the baby's movement will remain comfortable and the little one does not feel any foreign objects in the butt area. The absorbent surface layer and good air circulation in the baby's bottom area can minimize friction that can irritate the baby's skin.

MAKUKU SAP Diapers have a large capacity. So, when there is urine, MAKUKU SAP Diapers will absorb it quickly and evenly because it has good stability in absorption, so that it can make baby's buttocks get protection and reduce the possibility of the risk of baby having diaper rash.






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