Similar To Indonesian Games, Squid Game Bring Nostalgia To Childhood

Similar To Indonesian Games, Squid Game Bring Nostalgia To Childhood

written by : MAKUKU - 18 Mar 2022

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Have you watched Squid Game yet? The Squid Game drama series featuring a series of thrilling games has recently become a trending topic worldwide. Even in Indonesia itself, the series with nine episodes suddenly became popular and became the most watched series.

In the Squid Game series, it is told how the difficulties of adults in solving South Korean children's games are. However, the game becomes even more stressful as participants must win to stay alive and take home the billions of dollars in prize money. Because, in the story, the participants who take part in the Squid Games are those who are in debt and have economic problems.
Interestingly, of the six games presented in the Squid Game, five of them are similar to traditional children's games in Indonesia. The five games are familiar enough that Indonesian audiences can immediately connect with childhood games. Are you ready to reminisce? Here are five squid games that are the same as children's games in Indonesia:

Red Light Green Light with patung patungan

In the early game, the Squid Game audience was already tensed by the red light game and the green light. The figure of a doll in the form of a giant girl will detect the movements of the participants. Participants who are detected moving will be eliminated. Just like the game of sculptures in Indonesia, children must pretend to be statues and cannot move, not even teeth can be seen. If it moves, then he will take turns guarding.

Tug of War with Tarik Tambang

The game tug of war is the third game in the Squid Game. Tug of war is a tug of war game that is familiar to the people of Indonesia. Because this game is often played by children to adults when celebrating Independence Day 17 August. However, the tug of war in the Squid Game is packaged more challenging where the two teams compete for strength so as not to fall from the height where the tug of war is held.

Marbles with Kelereng

The fourth game is marbles, which is exactly the same as the marbles game in Indonesia, which is very common for children to play. The game of marbles can be played in various ways, but the goal is to get more marbles from your opponent. Likewise in the Squid Game, marbles are displayed in various ways of playing according to the agreement of the two participants. The participant who gets all the opponent's marbles wins. So, thumbs up who still has the marbles until now?

Glass Stepping Stone with Engklek

Engklek is an old children's game that uses a flat area such as the ground as a play area. The hooves are drawn with chalk and made of boxes, the children must jump into the squares correctly. Generally this game is played by girls. The fifth game in the Squid Game is a glass bridge in the form of a square, participants must step on one of the right glass. Well, Moms can really invite your little one to play cranks in the yard to get rid of boredom at home during a pandemic like this.

Squid Game with Gobak Sodor

The sixth or final game is the Squid Game. The Squid Game is the ultimate game to take home the billions of dollars in prize money. The way of playing is divided into two teams, namely attackers and defenders. Players who serve as attackers must break through the defense line guarded by the defending team to reach the end of the squid-shaped line. This game is almost the same as gobak sodor or galasin in Indonesia. The difference is, in gobak sodor the attacker is said to be eliminated if touched by the defending team. This gobak sodor game can also be used as an exciting way to teach your little one how to walk. But Moms and Dads still have to be careful when playing.
Moms and Dads of the 90's generation may be familiar with these traditional games. Although now traditional games are rarely played by children anymore, parents can't hurt to reintroduce them and play them at home as an alternative to fun activities with their little ones.
If you run out of ideas to find fun activities to do with your kids at home, you can take a peek and follow Instagram @Makuku.Indonesia.Official. There you can find various kinds of the most updated and interesting information about parenting.
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Author: Aqiyu Purbosuli







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