Ahead of the baby's birthday, it is certainly a thrilling time. Parents, including the mother, certainly can't wait to see the birth of their baby. However, behind it all, it turns out that you and your parents need to prepare several things, such as baby equipment during delivery.
As part of the preparation process, there are several items that need to be prepared that will be used during and after childbirth later. Especially, for the baby who needs some important items. This needs to be done so that the baby feels safe and comfortable when he is born later.''
5 Baby Gear to Prepare During Delivery
To make it easier, you can prepare some of these items before giving birth or during labor. Here are the items your baby will need during labor.
Baby Clothes
Basic equipment for newborns can be prepared from various types of clothes. You can prepare clothes in the form of cloth diapers, shirts and pants, hats, gloves, and socks.
Diapers function to absorb urine and defecation from your little one and are gentler for your little one so they avoid skin problems such as skin irritation, infection, and diaper rash.
Meanwhile, when it comes to clothes, you should give your little one a choice of long and short sleeved clothes made of cotton that are comfortable for babies, so they don't feel cold or too hot. For shirts and pants, you can usually buy them as a set or a pair.
Then, there is a hat as a head protector that can reduce sun exposure so it doesn't get hot and can warm your little one's head and ears when the weather is cold.
Similarly, hats, gloves and socks can keep the baby warm. However, you should not wear gloves and socks for too long to maintain the sensitivity of your little one's skin.
Necessary toiletries are one of the many baby items that are important to prepare. However, you should not bathe the baby immediately after the birth process. It's good, you wait after 6 hours, then your little one can be cleaned.
Bathing a newborn must be done in the right way, namely by wiping it with warm water that should not be too hot or cold considering the condition of his skin which is still very sensitive.
In short, you will need the following toiletries, namely towels, bedding, washcloths, soap, and special shampoo for babies.
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Newborns need to stay warm while sleeping. You can prepare some of these things, such as blankets, blankets, so that the baby's crib doesn't get wet if the baby wets while sleeping, swaddles or swaddles to make the baby warmer, and a crib.
Do not provide blankets or pillows because it can be dangerous for the condition of the little one. Thick blankets can put excessive pressure on the baby's body while pillows can be harmful to the condition of the head
Breastfeeding Equipment Breastfeeding
equipment is indispensable for you as a mother and your baby. This is important because newborns can only eat while breastfeeding and need to be safe and comfortable. Likewise with you as his mother.
To facilitate the baby's breastfeeding process, you can prepare an apron to prevent milk from soiling the baby's clothes, a towel to clean liquids such as breast milk or saliva, and a breast milk storage bag to store breast milk as a food reserve.
Equipment is the most important and should not be forgotten by mothers. Diapers are very vital, especially for your little one who has just been born. Mothers need to choose the appropriate type of diaper such as diapers for normal and sensitive skin.
Not only that, you also have to be able to choose the best diaper that has high absorption so that your baby will feel comfortable and not fussy. That way, your little one can pee and defecate comfortably without you having to worry.
Well, as one of the recommendations for baby diapers as your preparation for childbirth, you can use MAKUKU SAP Diapers.
MAKUKU SAP Diapers SAP (Super Absorbent Polymerthe latest generation MAKUKU anti-clot, highly absorbent, and can lock fluids well. The anti-clot ability of MAKUKU SAP Diapers can make your little one's movements more comfortable and stable.
Not only that, the 'super thin of this diaper can also provide maximum fluid capacity. Even though they are thin, MAKUKU SAP Diapers are specially designed to absorb all the fluids your little one excretes.
MAKUKU SAP Diapers have a thickness of only 1.6 mm, thinner than other diapers, which makes it easy for your little one to move freely and the mother doesn't have to worry that her little one will experience skin problems, such as blisters and diaper rash.
With an 'extra dry' design, MAKUKU SAP Diapers are composed of faster absorption and good air circulation which results in a diaper without reverse osmosis.
For the needs of baby equipment during labor in the form of baby diapers, choose only the best, MAKUKU SAP Diapers with super thin thickness and high absorption that make your child feel comfortable.