National Family Day 2022: The Importance of Preventing Stunting

National Family Day 2022: The Importance of Preventing Stunting

written by : MAKUKU - 29 Jun 2022

Read duration : 2 min

National Family Day or Harganas is celebrated every 29 June. Harganas is an embodiment of the importance of the family in efforts to strengthen national resilience. As the smallest institution in society, the family is an important foundation for the initial development of the nation's character.

Harganas 2022 carries the theme Let's Prevent Stunting So Families Are Stunting Free. The hashtag used is #KeluargaKerenCegahStunting. On June 29, 2022, National Family Day will be held in Medan City, North Sumatra in a hybrid manner, via offline and online. Reporting from the Ministry of Education and Culture's website, this year's National Family Day will be a momentum to invite the public to prevent stunting in all parts of Indonesia and optimize family functions in Indonesia.

Optimizing eight family functions, namely: religion, socio-culture, love, protection, reproduction, education, economy, and environmental development functions to create a resilient family. Meanwhile, a socialization event for families to help accelerate stunting reduction. It is known, currently the stunting prevalence rate in Indonesia is 24.4 percent (SSGBI 2021).

There is still a big target to achieve a stunting rate of 14 percent by 2024. Therefore, the family is the first milestone that must be able to prevent stunting. Through prevention since before marriage, up to 1000 days of life phase.

A Brief History of National Family Day 2022

The history of National Family Day was pioneered for the first time by the  chairman of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) in the era of President Soeharto, namely Haryono Suyono. The Harganas commemoration has been held since 1993, until this year is the 29th celebration. Then it was stipulated in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 39 of 2014 concerning National Family Day.

Things You Can Do To Commemorate the 2022

National Family Day The 29th National Family Day will be celebrated in Medan, North Sumatra on July 7, 2022 by President Joko Widodo. You don't have to go all the way there to participate in celebrating Harganas, mom and dad can do some things at home with your little one. How to celebrate Harganas a la MAKUKU Indonesia:

Dinner together

Dinner may be a simple thing but it is rarely done with the whole family. Mom and dad can spend a special time this National Family Day by having a healthy dinner with your little one. Even mom and dad can prepare food together at the same time for bonding.

Playing games

Playing is a fun thing that is liked by children. Several studies have also stated that playing can be used as a way to improve children's motor skills. Mom and dad can try games fun

Watch Movies

Come on, mom and dad take your little one to watch their favorite movie. After watching the movie, mom and dad can invite your little one to retell about the film and invite your little one to have a discussion. This is very useful for establishing good communication with your little one.

Weekend vacation

Maybe it's been a long time since mom and dad didn't take the little one out together since the pandemic. If you are tired of doing activities together at home, it's really okay for mom and dad to plan a short vacation on the weekend. Mom and dad can choose a place that is not too crowded and always implement health protocols while outside the house. (Aq/MKK)









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