It is undeniable, Mommy, that diapers are one of the most important needs. Moreover, about the comfort and health of your little one is closely related to choosing the right diaper. To find suitable diaper products, parents are required to be selective when choosing.
MAKUKU SAP Diapers, diapers with SAP core structure that can keep diapers from clumping and have many benefits. Check out the advantages below!
Mommy can breathe easy if your little one has a normal skin type. Because it will be easier to choose the type of disposable diaper that is suitable and in accordance with the budget. It's a different story with Mommy's children who have sensitive skin. Because choosing the wrong diaper can cause irritation and skin rashes. To prevent diaper rash and irritation, mommy should choose a diaper that is soft for the baby's sensitive skin type.
Thick diapers don't always hold a lot of liquid. MAKUKU SAP Diapers comes as a super thin diaper but has a capacity of up to 600 ml.
Changing diapers regularly will reduce the risk of rashes on baby's skin. Here are the signs you need to know about when to change your baby's diaper!
The birth of the baby is always awaited and becomes a very encouraging moment. For parents, of course, they are facing confusion in choosing baby equipment that is suitable and safe for their little one. Starting from choosing good and comfortable baby clothes, choosing the right formula milk, buying other baby equipment, to looking for diapers for your little one. The large selection of baby equipment products sold in the market that promise various advantages makes parents have to be smarter in choosing the best baby equipment. In addition to choosing the best quality product, of course you also need to make sure whether the product is suitable and comfortable for your little one or not.
Instead of disposable diapers, you can use re-wash cloth diapers for babies. Here are 5 easy tips for choosing a good re-wash cloth diaper for baby!
Get to know the causes, types and ways to treat diaper rash in babies. Complete tips for keeping baby's skin healthy and comfortable.
There are many things to consider in choosing the right baby diapers for baby comfort. Check out the following tips on choosing diapers for newborns
Lately, the film Layangan Putus is hotly discussed. One of the things that caught attention in the film was the role of Brandon, who often had tantrums due to his parents' quarrels and divorce, so he had to be taken to a child psychologist. So, what actually causes children to often have tantrums?
end of 2021 is coming soon. The end of the year is usually the time to look forward to a vacation with family. However, traveling long distances with your little one is a challenge in itself for parents. Especially during a pandemic like this, parents need to be well prepared to travel long distances with their children.
Diaper rash is still a problem that parents often face. Inappropriate diaper selection is one of the contributing factors. Present as a solution, Makuku Air Diapers are the latest generation of diapers that will be launched tomorrow, November 9, 2021 at Pullman Jakarta.
Mira Agile shares her experience in choosing diapers. Where both children have experienced skin problems, so that requires her to choose high quality diapers