Does your little one have a fever and only pass a little urine than usual, moms and dads? Let's get checked immediately, because babies and children under the age of 2 are susceptible to urinary tract infections. Usually, urinary tract infections in children occur due to bacteria entering the tube that drains the child's pee from the bladder or familiarly called the urethra.
Then what causes this urinary tract infection, moms and dads? Can diapers cause urinary tract infections? Let's look at the following facts together, let's go!
Causes of Urinary Tract Infections in Babies
As previously explained, moms and dads, urinary tract infections are usually caused by bacteria in the bladder or urinary tract that can spread to the kidneys. This accumulation of bacteria in the urinary tract can then lead to infection. Generally, the bacteria that cause urinary tract infections come from the baby's feces that are not immediately cleaned and enter the baby's genitals.
Other things that can cause urinary tract infections include frequent holding of pee so that urine backs up from the bladder into the urethra and into the kidneys. Then poor hygiene after defecation, for example, not wiping the anal area clean when the little one has finished defecating. Another cause is a dirty diaper and not changing it quickly, especially after defecating.
Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infections in Babies and Children
Usually, urinary tract infections often occur when your child often uses diapers and is less than one year old. Baby girls are more prone to urinary tract infections. Their urinary tracts are shorter than baby boys, so bacteria can enter the bladder more easily.
Some of the symptoms of a urinary tract infection that you should watch out for are a high fever of up to 38 degrees Celsius, then the baby is fussy and doesn't want to breastfeed, and even vomits. Other signs that moms and dads pay attention to are that your little one has less urine than usual, is often sleepy, so that it is difficult to gain weight.
Often this urinary tract infection is also characterized by a bloody diaper or an unpleasant-smelling pee. Some babies even urinate more often, but cry every time they urinate. Well, if your little one shows some of the symptoms above, it's a good idea for moms and dads to bring their little one to consult a health worker to get the right treatment.
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After being taken to the nearest health center, the doctor will examine the physical condition and symptoms of your little one, moms and dad. Well, to prove the presence or absence of bacteria in the urinary tract, the doctor will perform a urine test and an ultrasound of the kidneys. If it is proven that there is bacteria in the urinary tract, the doctor will then prescribe antibiotics so that the bacteria do not grow further and prevent infection in the kidneys. Doctors usually prescribe this antibiotic within a period of 3-14 days depending on the severity of the infection.
Make sure the dose taken is according to the doctor's prescription and must be spent. While taking medicine from the doctor, moms and dads must ensure that your little one gets adequate fluid intake such as breast milk and water when they are over 6 months old. Do not give your baby food and drinks that contain caffeine, tea and soda.
When the specified observation period is over, the doctor will again conduct a urine test on your little one, moms and dads. This is done to ensure that the infection caused by the bacteria has been cured or not. If not, there is a possibility that your child will be referred to a specialist for further treatment. Your baby also has the possibility of hospitalization if bacteria are found in the blood, the fever does not go down, is dehydrated, so it is difficult to give medication by mouth or orally.
Another thing that moms and dads have to do is keep their little one's genital area clean. Therefore, change the diaper every two to three hours, especially after a bowel movement. Always clean the anal area properly. Moms and dads can clean the genitals first before cleaning the anus to prevent the transfer of bacteria in feces to the urinary tract.
Moms and dads disposable MAKUKU SAP Diapers to keep your little one clean and comfortable.diapers MAKUKU designed using a SAP core structure that can absorb liquids very quickly and stably, and does not cause lumps. The size is also super thin, only 1.6 mm, so it seems as if your baby is not wearing a diaper and is comfortable with activities.
The surface of MAKUKU SAP Diapers is extra dry, so it can keep your little one from feeling damp and rashes on the skin. Your little one is sure to sleep well with MAKUKU SAP Diapers. Adequate rest is one of the keys so that your little one quickly recovers from urinary tract infections, moms and dads.
Those are the facts about urinary tract infections that often occur in moms and dads. It turns out that dirty diapers can be one of the causes of the disease. Therefore, moms and dads are obliged to always maintain the cleanliness of the baby. Hopefully the information provided is quite enlightening and useful, moms and dads!