8 traits that mothers pass on to their children, what are they?

The bond between mother and child is special. Apparently, many mother traits are passed on to her children. Let's reveal 8 unique traits that can be inherited!

written by : MAKUKU - 9 Oct 2024

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The emotional bond between mother and child is very strong. However, did you know that apart from physical traits, there are also many traits and characters that are passed down from mother to child? Let's discuss further what traits are inherited.

Each baby has 23 chromosomes from the mother and another 23 from the father. Quoting from Very Well Family, a child's appearance and traits are the result of the sum of the parents' genes coming together. When the parents' genes come together, some will strengthen and some will weaken. This is why some children's appearance and traits will be similar to one of their parents.

8 Traits that Mothers Pass on to Children

In some children, genes from the mother's side will be more dominant. So don't be surprised if the nature and appearance of children tend to be similar to moms. In addition to physical, many traits and characters are passed down from mothers to children. Here are 8 traits that mothers pass on to their children:

1. Intelligence

Although intelligence is influenced by many factors, the genes associated with intelligence are mostly carried on the X chromosome, which is doubled by women. Mothers who have a high level of intelligence are likely to have intelligent children as well.

Research shows that the intelligence gene is mostly inherited from the mother. Mothers play an important role in determining a child's cognitive capacity, although environmental factors are also very influential in developing intelligence.

2. Mental Resilience

Mental resilience, or the ability to bounce back from adversity, is often inherited from the mother. If the mother has mental toughness, the child is likely to develop similar traits and cope better with life's challenges. Mothers who are strong and resilient in the face of problems will inspire their children to have the same traits.

3. Emotional

The ability to recognize, understand, and manage one's own and others' emotions is often inherited from mothers. That's why mothers are often role models regarding emotions and feelings. If a mother is attentive, communicates well, and has high empathy, it is likely that these traits can be passed on to her child and have the same abilities both through genetics and nurture.

4. Sleep patterns

Sleep habits, such as bedtime, sleep duration, and sleep quality, can be influenced by the genetics of the mother. If a mother has certain sleep habits, such as insomnia or a tendency to wake up early, her child may inherit similar sleep patterns.

A study suggests that children of mothers who suffer from insomnia tend to sleep later and sleep less. Even the child's sleep patterns become disrupted, waking up easily at night and spending a longer time during naps.

5. Curiosity

High curiosity can be one of the traits inherited from mothers. Children who grow up in an environment that stimulates exploration and curiosity often inherit this trait. Encourage children's interest in learning new things and curiosity. For example, a mother who loves to read and explore new things will make her children curious.

6. Optimism

An optimistic attitude towards life can be passed on from mother to child. Optimism can help children see the good side of a problem and motivate them to keep moving forward. Mothers who always see the positive side in every situation will instill optimism in their children.

7. Language Ability

The first language a child learns is usually the language spoken in the family environment, especially by the mother. So language skills in children can be influenced by genetic factors passed down from the mother.

Children of mothers who have good language skills often inherit linguistic intelligence and can communicate well from an early age. If a mother is fluent in a foreign language, it is likely that her child will also find it easy to learn a foreign language.

8. Musical ability

Another trait that mothers pass on to their children is musical ability. It is important to know that musical abilities, such as tone of voice and rhythm, can be influenced by genetics passed down from the mother. if a mother has musical talent, her child will probably have the same talent.

However, musical talent in children can also be nurtured from an early age. Even if your child already has an interest in music, if they are not trained often, they will not have musical abilities.

So, although many things are passed down from mother to child, it is important to remember that each child is a unique individual who has his or her potential and uniqueness. And, although many traits are passed down from the mother, genes from the father also play an important role in shaping the child's characteristics. (Aq/MKK)





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