8 Newborn Skin Facts Parents Should Understand

8 Newborn Skin Facts Parents Should Understand

written by : MAKUKU - 13 Nov 2023

Read duration : 5 min

It is common knowledge that there are differences in sensitivity to the skin of newborns. Newborn skin has a higher level of sensitivity than adult skin. Therefore, special handling is needed when you want to clean the newborn's skin. In some cases, there are baby skins that can withstand some materials, but on the other hand, there are also baby skins that can even only be cleaned using water. And that's a natural thing, mom and dad. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful in caring for baby's skin and of course recommendations for diapers for baby's sensitive skin.

So that mom and dad are not confused, here are some facts that parents should know about newborn skin. Listen together, come on!

8 interesting facts about newborn skin

Baby's Skin Apparently Not Smooth

Baby's skin is identical to skin that is smooth and soft when stroked. At birth,your baby is born with a layer of vernix that covers his entire body. This layer is a kind of oily substance like cheese that serves to protect the baby's skin in the womb from amniotic fluid, moms and dads. Vernik itself contains lipids, amino acids, proteins, antibacterial and antimicrobial compounds.

Not only that, even the little one's body is also covered with fine hair which is commonly called lanugo. This fine hair covers almost the entire body of the little one. Pediatricians usually advise parents to delay bathing the baby for approximately 24 hours after birth. This is in order to maintain a natural protective layer and enhance bonding with parents.

Baby's Skin Turns Reddish Purple

Mom and dad don't need to panic if the baby's skin color is purple and tends to be reddish during the first few days. This is because the blood circulation system is not working properly. Your little one can even take up to six months to develop his skin color.

Milia spots

Besides being covered with a layer of oil and fur, your little one's skin will likely have a rough texture. Some even have acne and have white spots called milia. Milia are white or yellow spots that can be seen with the naked eye. These spots are similar to blackheads and appear all over the face.

About 30-49 percent of babies are born with milia. Then a fifth of babies born in the world also experience acne on the face and other body areas. But don't worry, this condition usually goes away on its own within a few weeks. 

Their skin is prone

Often experience a red rash mom and dad. These rashes can arise from too hot air, clothes that are too rough, to the use of inappropriate baby products. A red rash on the baby's skin is usually on the buttocks and around the baby's genitals. Therefore, an anti-bacterial diaper that is suitable for your baby's sensitive skin.

Are now available MAKUKU SAP Diapers, diapers for all genders that have premium quality. These diapers are designed to be friendly to baby's sensitive skin. By using the core material 100% Super Absorbent Polymer(SAP). This SAP structure makes MAKUKU diapers anti- and has the ability to absorb quickly, so it can keep baby's skin surface dry and comfortable.

The size of the diaper which is super thin but has maximum capacity and absorption with good stability, which is only 1.6 mm thick, also varies, from small to large. Diapers with a 3D structure and no good osmosis can support baby's skin health, especially from red rashes caused by using diapers for too long because they provide good air circulation for the baby's bottom. In addition, choose clothes that are soft and comfortable for your baby to reduce the risk of allergies and rashes. Choose a variety of products that are free of chemicals, allergens, and free of detergents.

Your little one's skin is quite thin.

Don't be surprised if mom and dad see that your little one's skin is often blue when it's cold. This is because the skin of newborns is very thin, even three times thinner than the skin of adults. This is also one of the reasons why baby's skin can be very sensitive. You can even see your baby's blood vessels clearly in certain areas, for example in the hands and thighs.

You may also be surprised to see your little one's skin turn red and mottled when he cries loudly. That's all natural, mom and dad, there's no need to panic too much. Actually, mom and dad don't need to bathe their newborns too often. Especially if you use soap that has a fairly high PH. Your little one's skin that is exposed to soap and water too often tends to dry out, making it prone to rashes and infections.

The skin of a newborn baby is five times more likely to lose moisture than that of an adult. The best thing mom and dad do is wipe your little one's face and entire body with a wet washcloth once a day. There is nothing wrong if after that you apply moisturizer to the baby's skin so that the skin's moisture is always maintained.

Newborns' skin

is prone to sunburn. In Indonesia, we often find parents drying their newborns in the morning sun. Don't be too long while doing this activity mom and dad, because the skin of a newborn baby is still in the stage of forming melanin. Melanin itself functions to help absorb sunlight into the body.

As a result, baby's skin which is quite sensitive is easily burned when exposed to the sun for a long time. Burns due to sunburn are as dangerous as burns caused by hot water, you know, mom and dad. Therefore, do not dry the baby in the hot sun at 10 o'clock and above. If the baby is 6 months old, don't forget to apply sunscreen before you invite your little one to bask in the sun.

Scaly Scalp

It is normal for a crust to appear on the head of your little one, mom and dad. This crust usually appears in the first or second month after birth. In medical language, this crusty scalp is called seborrheic dermatitis which occurs due to producing too much oil.

In addition to crusting, usually reddish rashes and yellowish scaly skin will appear on the head area. This condition is not dangerous for moms and dads and can go away on its own over time.

Those are some interesting facts that mom and dad know about the skin of a newborn baby. Hopefully this information provides enlightenment so that moms and dads are not wrong in taking care of their beloved baby. Congratulations on taking care of your beloved baby's skin!






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