Tips for Preparing for a Healthy and Smooth Delivery

Tips for Preparing for a Healthy and Smooth Delivery

written by : MAKUKU - 20 Jun 2023

Read duration : 5 min

Every pregnant woman wants a healthy pregnancy and a smooth delivery. To realize a healthy and smooth delivery, pregnant women must prepare themselves during pregnancy. Eating healthy and nutritious foods and other things that can support a healthy, smooth, and pain-free delivery. Well, because usually pregnant women before delivery are often very worried, afraid, and confused about what needs to be prepared. MAKUKU will provide tips for preparing for a healthy, smooth, and pain-free delivery.

Consultant obstetrician MAKUKU Indonesia, Dr. Yusuf, explained what a healthy delivery would be like for pregnant women. Healthy delivery is a condition where the mother who gives birth is in good health without complications and how gives birth to a fit baby. Dr. Yusuf likens pregnancy to building a house. When building a house, of course, mom and dad consult first to build a good foundation.

“If we want to build a house, of course, we will first consult with engineers. Likewise, with pregnancy, we must prepare a comfortable home for the fetus during the womb so that its development and growth are good,” explained dr. Yusuf in a talk show at MB Fair Jakarta 2022 on October 14, 2022.

What should pregnant women prepare for a healthy delivery?

Birth planning usually includes any needs before delivery, during labor, and after delivery. Proper preparation for a healthy delivery aims to prevent pregnant women from experiencing anxiety and stress when approaching the Estimated Birth Day (HPL). The following are things that pregnant women need to prepare for a healthy delivery as explained by dr. Yusuf:

Eating nutritious

food Eating healthy and nutritious food is the right step in maintaining a healthy pregnancy. Nutrition for pregnant women is useful for keeping pregnancy running smoothly. As well as meeting the nutritional needs of pregnant women and fetuses for growth and development in the womb. The nutrients that must be met by pregnant women are protein, folic acid, iron, calcium, fat, fiber, vitamins A, B6, C, and D, zinc, and iodine.


Without adequate preparation, the labor process will be difficult. One type of preparation that pregnant women can do is to exercise. Because some sports movements can help the delivery process run more smoothly, keep the body of pregnant women in shape, and breathing techniques are needed, especially for pregnant women who are planning to give birth normally.

However, pregnant women should consult in advance about the condition of pregnancy and whether it is possible to exercise or not. And make sure the exercise is safe for pregnant women.

Looking for safe information It is

mandatory for pregnant women to learn to recognize their bodies to prepare for a pain-free pregnancy. Giving birth is painful, but pregnant women need not worry because every woman's body is designed to be able to give birth. Pregnant women can also seek information on how the labor process takes place to determine what method is the most appropriate for giving birth. This should also be consulted by an obstetrician so that pregnant women get the desired and safe delivery process.

Support from people around

Pregnancy is not only about the body of the pregnant woman and the fetus. But also about the support of the closest people such as husband and family. Support from people around is very important in preparation for birth. This support from people around can be a reminder or alarm so that pregnant women have the awareness to keep doing safe physical activities or not be lazy or lazy to move during pregnancy. The support of people around pregnant women is also very important to prevent depression and stress in pregnant women.

Routine consultation

During pregnancy, pregnant women are advised to regularly consult with an obstetrician. This examination aims to monitor the health of pregnant women and the development of the fetus in the womb. Does the fetus have health problems? Usually, this examination is in the form of ultrasound or ultrasound which can detect the type of abnormality in the fetus. Pregnant women are advised to do an ultrasound at least 3 times during pregnancy.

The Importance of Preparing for the Needs of a Newborn

In addition to preparing for childbirth, pregnant women can also make installments for the preparation of their baby when they are 32 weeks pregnant. starting from the need for clothes, and toiletries to the need that is no less important, namely the diaper that will be used by the baby.

Need for this diaper is very important to be well prepared because of course every parent wants to give the best and first for the little one. Do not let parents choose the wrong and threaten the health of newborns who are still vulnerable to various diseases. For that, make sure parents choose diapers that are suitable for newborns such as MAKUKU SAP Diapers Pro Care.

MAKUKU SAP Diapers Pro Care is a diaper pioneer with an SAP core structure or Super Absorbent Polymer that can absorb your little one's fluids quickly and evenly. MAKUKU SAP Diapers Pro Care is specially designed to be able to meet the needs of babies, especially in reducing the risk of diaper rash that is often experienced by newborns.

MAKUKU SAP Diapers Pro Care also has three main advantages, namely luxurious soft, namely a soft surface like silk. The newest diaper from MAKUKU is also made of 4 layers of SAP core and is equipped with a bubble belt. This bubble belt is a soft feature resembling a bubble at the waistband to prevent redness on the baby's waist and provide a comfortable feeling when the baby uses a diaper.

On the same occasion, Novita Utomo as Product Manager of MAKUKU explained that MAKUKU SAP Diapers Pro Care is a diaper that is suitable for newborns. In addition to the advantages mentioned earlier, this MAKUKU SAP Diapers Pro Care has a U Shape design. This U Shape feature is a U-shaped arch on the front of the diaper which serves to protect the newborn's umbilical cord from being exposed to the diaper. Given the importance of keeping the baby's umbilical cord that has not fallen off to avoid infection.

“So parents don't have to worry anymore when their newborn baby uses diapers. With the U Shape feature on this MAKUKU SAP Diapers Pro Care, the baby's umbilical cord doesn't rub against each other and moms don't have to bother folding the front of the diaper," concluded Novita. (Aq/MKK)










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