Contractions Before Labor and Causes of Missing HPL

Contractions Before Labor and Causes of Missing HPL

written by : MAKUKU - 14 Mar 2022

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Pregnant women must be prepared in the final trimester before delivery. One of the signs that labor is approaching are contractions. However, not all contractions are a sign that the mother is about to give birth. Because it could be a false contraction.

Pregnant women should be able to distinguish between fake and real contractions. According to doctor dr. Noviyani Sugiarto, SpOG, St. Hospital. Carolus, false contractions or Braxton hicks are indeed necessary to prepare for actual labor. The cause of false contractions is a lack of calcium, so pregnant women are advised to eat and drink enough. And can take magnesium and vitamin supplements to reduce false contractions.

"But if it happens too often, it is necessary to go to a health facility to check whether these are fake contractions or real contractions," said dr. Noviyani.

However, not all pregnant women experience false contractions in the final trimester. According to Dr. Novi, many pregnant women do not experience false contractions and this is normal. Because, the pain that is felt will certainly be different for every pregnant woman.

"There are those whose contractions are hard but he doesn't feel anything. There is also a contraction that may not be very (occurring) but he is already in pain. So, it is possible not to feel too, "explained dr. Novita.

Characteristics of False Contractions and Real Contractions

False contractions may occur for about 10 minutes in a two-hour period, but may not recur after 30 minutes. False contractions can go away on their own by changing positions or resting. These false contractions usually begin in the third trimester of pregnancy, often occurring in the late afternoon or evening.

When false contractions occur, the pregnant woman's stomach will feel tense, usually not as painful as mild menstrual cramps. In addition, the hallmark of false contractions is that the membrane has not ruptured and the membrane has not ruptured.

While the characteristics of the original contraction that must be known is that it can happen every 15 minutes or in two hours it can happen about every 10 minutes. For intensity, it happens more and more often and gets heavier. These genuine contractions begin around 40 weeks of gestation. If the original contractions started before the 37th week it could trigger a premature birth. In other words, false contractions and real contractions can be distinguished based on the effects felt by the mother, such as the frequency and strength of contractions.

Why is the Estimated Birth Day (HPL) often missed?

Estimated Birth Day is very important to know. Usually the doctor will tell when the HPL is pregnant to prepare physically and mentally before giving birth, prepare baby equipment and others. However, as the name implies, this HPL is only an estimate, it can be accurate according to predictions or shift forward or backward. The Academy of Pediatrics in America states that there are only five percent of pregnant women whose birth days are in accordance with the HPL.

If the pregnant woman has passed the HPL, dr. Novi suggested to check the condition of pregnancy to the doctor. In addition, it is also to stimulate contractions so that the baby is born quickly by playing gymball, having sex, to breast stimulation. Having sex and breast stimulation is believed to trigger oxytocin which stimulates the baby to come out.

For the ideal time to give birth, the time limit can be up to 42 weeks. However, gestational age of more than 42 weeks can be high risk and should not occur. Dr. Novi said that when she was 42 weeks old, she had to go to the hospital and get an induction. Most hospitals will perform induction if the gestational age has entered 41 weeks.

If it is more than that, then the risk to the baby is higher, such as greater blood flow resistance and the placenta is too mature. Another disturbance that lurks is the flow of nutrients from the mother to the baby is decreasing, the amniotic fluid is getting less and less. Even pregnancies more than 43 weeks are at high risk for cesarean section.

"The doctor will strip the membrane, between the cervix and the amniotic membranes will be separated to trigger contractions. Usually it is done at the age of 40 weeks before the actual induction,” said dr. Novi.

The reason why the baby doesn't "invite" out even though it has passed HPL is the condition of pregnancy, changes in the position of the fetus that often change all the time. Changes in the size of the cervix and uterus also affect the Estimated Day of Birth. A study states that as many as 85 percent of pregnant women with a short cervix, which is less than 2.5 cm, can experience a faster HPL.

To note, the size of the thinning cervix can make it easier for the baby to descend into the birth canal and pelvis. The size of the enlarged uterus can make HPL faster. Meanwhile, a study in the United States involving 9,000 pregnant women stated that first-born pregnancies are indeed prone to delays in delivery. As well as a history of childbirth through HPL and a family who has experienced it, you may also experience it. That's why, the Estimated Birth Day (HPL) often shifts and doesn't.

Reviewed by:

dr. Noviyani Sugiarto, SpOG

RS Carolus Jakarta

dr. Noviyani Sugiarto, SpOG is a Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology (Obstetrics and Gynecology) who practices at St. Carolus Hospital. Graduated from General Practitioner from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia in 2010 and a Specialist Doctor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia in 2018. She is a female obstetrician and gynecologist who has a great passion for the world of fetomaternal and obstetrics/gynecology ultrasound, cases - cases of fertility and infertility (fertility), problems in the womb and the world of reproduction, as well as pregnancy with various complications.












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