How to deal with Baby Skin Allergies Right

How to deal with Baby Skin Allergies Right

written by : MAKUKU - 18 Jan 2023

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Thin and sensitive baby skin is prone to allergies. One type of allergy that is often experienced by babies is skin allergies. Triggers for skin allergies in babies also vary, ranging from food, skin conditions to the risk of coming into contact with certain chemicals. The health of this baby's skin is greatly influenced by how to care for sensitive baby skin, how to prevent skin allergies and how to properly handle baby skin allergies.

Allergy to the skin of a child or baby is a skin condition characterized by inflammation, infection, redness and rashes on the skin. This is very annoying because it causes itching and requires special handling so as not to exacerbate allergic conditions. dr. Ferry Arrochman, Sp.DV (Doctor specializing in dermatology and venereologist) said the sign of an allergic atopic dermatitis is characterized by redness of the cheeks and several organs covering the buttocks to the folds of the legs.

Skin allergies in babies, dr. Ferry added, it can occur at different levels of severity depending on the cause. While skin allergies for children around the world appear differently depending on environmental conditions. "On average 50:50 babies in Indonesia will experience skin allergies with mild, moderate or severe severity."

There are allergies that appear in babies from birth, there are also skin allergies due to food, environmental hygiene, to genetic factors. Both normal and premature babies who have talent have a high potential to be exposed to skin allergies.

Can Skin Allergies in Babies Be Cured?

Allergies in children caused by genetic factors are inherited not only from the father or mother. But allergic talent is also influenced by families from fathers and mothers, namely 25% each from fathers and mothers and 25% each from mothers and fathers' families in a cross.

dr. Ferry said that allergies in children cannot be cured, in other words, they can recur at any time. However, healing in this child's allergies can be done in stages. The reason is, as they get older, the child's body can naturally eliminate the cause of the allergy itself.

"For example, your little one is allergic to peanuts, so it's better if the child doesn't give peanuts for a while. But after that, the child can be given the peanuts little by little and if it recurs, it must be treated,” said dr. Ferry on Instagram Live with MAKUKU Indonesia with the theme "How to Deal with Skin Allergies in Babies".

So, if mom and dad find that your little one is allergic to a food, you should not give that food for a while. However, these foods can be tried again to be given to your little one little by little. This can help your little one's body to recognize and eliminate things that trigger allergies.

How to deal with allergies in babies, Dr. Ferry suggests using anti-inflammatory lotions or creams. Avoid food or other allergy triggers so as not to worsen your little one's condition. If your little one's condition does not improve, immediately consult a dermatologist.

Can Babies with Allergic History Get Diaper Rash?

Allergies can basically cause various kinds of health problems, one of which is diaper rash. So that babies who have a history of allergies can get diaper rash. While diaper rash itself can be caused by many factors including bacterial infections, humidity in the diaper area to the duration of using diapers.

“Babies who have been exposed to diaper rash can experience diaper rash again. This depends on how parents maintain the humidity of their little one and how long the diaper is used," explained dr. Ferries.

The ideal use of diapers should actually be changed every 3-4 hours, depending on the activities and age of your little one. In newborn babies who have frequent frequent urination, diaper changes must always be considered. So that the area covered by the diaper is not damp, the baby's skin is in contact with urine or feces for too long and also prevents diaper rash.

How to Prevent Diaper Rash in Babies

Tips for choosing the right diaper, first you have to find out whether your little one has an allergy or not to certain materials or substances. Because certain ingredients or substances contained in diapers and in contact with the skin can cause diaper rash or allergies. Then, change your little one's diaper regularly and don't delay changing diapers when the diaper is full so it doesn't get damp.

In addition, choose anti-clot diapers that use the core structure of SAP (Super Absorbent Polymer). With the sophistication of this core SAP structure, diapers MAKUKU has high absorption, absorption quickly and evenly and is able to lock the liquid to the maximum. So that the absorbed liquid will not come back up to the surface of the diaper and make the surface of the diaper not seep, durable dry and prevent leakage.

Plus, all series of diapers MAKUKU equipped with a U Shape feature that can protect the baby's umbilical cord that has not been separated. This U Shape feature is in the form of an arch in the middle waistband to avoid friction between the diaper and the umbilical cord. As well as avoiding infection due to urine fluid that gets on the umbilical cord through the diaper rubber.

So, that's the right way to deal with skin allergies in babies. Come on, mom and dad, pay attention to the cleanliness of your little one's skin to avoid various kinds of skin problems including allergies and diaper rash. (Aq/MKK)








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