4 Things You Must Know About Third Trimester Pregnancy

4 Things You Must Know About Third Trimester Pregnancy

written by : MAKUKU - 14 Mar 2022

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Pregnant women will experience changes from time to time with increasing gestational age. These changes are certainly different from the first trimester to the final trimester. In the third trimester, pregnant women usually feel more tired and uncomfortable. For this reason, pregnant women are required to know what information is related to the third trimester to reduce anxiety and prepare for childbirth optimally.

Embryo growth

The third trimester of pregnancy lasts from 28 – 40 weeks. In this trimester, fetal development progresses rapidly from week to week. In addition to getting bigger in size, his organs are getting more complete and perfect. Including lung maturation that reaches perfection at 37 weeks.

According to dr. Noviyani Sugiarto, SpOG Hospital St. Carolus said that at this time babies can see and hear, experience significant weight gain and brain development, as well as maturation of all fetal organs. In general, the weight of the fetus in this trimester starts from 1 kg up to 3-3.5 kg before delivery.

"The average week increases by 100-150 grams, when it is near the time of birth it can increase to 200 grams per week," explained dr. Novi.

The baby's weight can be monitored during an ultrasound. dr. Novi explained that there is a range in percentile to measure the baby's weight. If the percentile shows below the average, which is less than 5, then the baby's weight is still relatively low.

"Therefore, the food must be increased, because nutrition in pregnancy in the third trimester has a major effect on fetal brain development. Where at that time growing rapidly. So healthy food, adequate nutrition, including protein and DHA, need to be fulfilled,” explained dr. Novi.

Watch This During Ultrasound Before Delivery

Ahead of labor is a thrilling moment for parents. Therefore, there is some important information that needs to be considered when ultrasound in preparation for labor. As for this, according to dr. Novi as follows:

  1. Fetal weight for gestational age. The increase in fetal weight according to the developmental chart of the previous months is important to note. Is it still according to the development chart or not. Because if it is lacking, it means that the nutrition is lacking and the development is not optimal.
  2. Sufficient amniotic fluid. If it is detected that the volume of amniotic fluid is not enough, pregnant women are strongly advised to drink lots of water.
  3. The position of the placenta or placenta is very important in supporting a smooth delivery and does not block the birth canal.
  4. Fetal heart rate.
  5. Maternal blood flow to fetus.

Beware, premature rupture of membranes

Amniotic fluid has many benefits to protect the fetus in the womb. Amniotic fluid serves as a cushion against external impact. However, in this late pregnancy, not a few pregnant women experience problems with the amniotic fluid. One of them is premature rupture of the amniotic fluid.

Premature rupture of membranes is a condition in which the amniotic sac ruptures before delivery or before 37 weeks of gestation. Although premature rupture of the amniotic fluid is a sign of childbirth, dr. Novi appealed to pregnant women to be more aware of the condition of the amniotic fluid by knowing its characteristics in order to prevent premature birth.

“It is characterized by an unbearable urge to urinate. Usually when confused, we can smell it. Amniotic fluid is usually odorless or has a slight sweet smell," he explained.

dr Novi added that seeping amniotic fluid can also come out when we cough or strain. In addition, the membranes come out more in a sleeping position than standing. This happens because, when the pregnant woman is in a standing position, the baby's head holds the amniotic fluid out. In addition, pregnant women also need to distinguish between mucus or vaginal discharge that comes out of the genitals.

"If the mucus that comes out, (the texture) is not like water. If the discharge that comes out is white. If the discharge comes out of water, it means that it must be checked immediately. It will be tested again later called the litmus test. if during the test it changes color then it is amniotic fluid," he added.

The volume of amniotic fluid can be determined by ultrasound. From ultrasound can be evaluated whether the amount is large or small. Because there are several conditions that make the amniotic fluid a little other than caused by the rupture of the membranes. The condition of low amniotic fluid is called oligohydramnios. In addition to rupture of membranes, oligohydramnios occurs when there is obstruction to the flow of mother to baby, an overmature placenta, and nutritional deficiencies.

"Amniotic fluid comes from fetal urine. If the baby is stressed or not eating enough, the urine is also less. So, in this third trimester, pregnant women must eat and drink enough," said dr. Novi.

The key to successful childbirth

Every pregnant woman wants a smooth delivery process and a normal delivery. However, some pregnant women who are at risk require certain interventions such as cesarean section taking into account the safety of the mother and child. dr. Novi shares the key tips for successful childbirth so that it runs smoothly.

“First, prepare your heart and mind. Following pregnancy exercises, knowing how to push properly, getting enough rest and exercising regularly for 30 minutes every day so that you have enough energy during labor. And always think positive will have a smooth delivery, "he said.

Novi also said husbands should be able to assist in the delivery room by providing support such as gently rubbing the back of pregnant women. In fact, simple things like that can actually help reduce the pain of contractions. In addition, dr. Novi suggested that pregnant women have a smooth delivery to take part in pregnancy classes and learn about breathing techniques.

Meanwhile, the recommended pushing position is a half-sitting position or tilted to the left. During the delivery process, pregnant women have the right to choose which position makes them comfortable.

“Giving birth in a supine position is prohibited because it can compress the blood vessels in the back so that blood flow to the baby is disrupted. It's called 'dear mother', yes, during labor, so it's according to the mother's wishes," concluded dr. Novi.

Reviewed by:

dr. Noviyani Sugiarto, SpOG

RS Carolus Jakarta

dr. Noviyani Sugiarto, SpOG adalah Obstetrics and Gynecology (Obstetrics and Gynecology) Permanent Practitioner at St. Carolus Hospital. She graduated from General Practitioner from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia in 2010 and specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia in 2018. She is a female obstetrician and gynecologist who has a great passion for the world of fetomaternal and obstetrics/gynecology ultrasound, cases - cases of fertility and infertility (fertility), problems in the womb and the world of reproduction, as well as pregnancy with various complications.

dr. Noviyani Sugiarto, SpOG

RS Carolus Jakarta

dr. Noviyani Sugiarto, SpOG adalah Obstetrics and Gynecology (Obstetrics and Gynecology) Permanent Practitioner at St. Carolus Hospital. She graduated from General Practitioner from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia in 2010 and specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia in 2018. She is a female obstetrician and gynecologist who has a great passion for the world of fetomaternal and obstetrics/gynecology ultrasound, cases - cases of fertility and infertility (fertility), problems in the womb and the world of reproduction, as well as pregnancy with various complications.












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