难忘的全国儿童节: 50 个家庭与 "MAKUKU" Jinggle 一起跳尊巴舞

Memorable National Children's Day: 50 Families Zumba with 'MAKUKU' Jinggle

written by : MAKUKU - 28 Jul 2023

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Interaction between parents and children is needed so that children can more easily recognize their own environment from an early age. However, it turns out that there are still many parents who are not used to bonding with their children. This is not only due to differences in parenting patterns of each parent, but also influenced by education, how to treat the child and how to interact every day. 

According to Parents and Caregivers are essential to children's health development, the interaction between parents and children greatly affects the development and behavior of children in the future. That's why parents are tasked with providing a safe environment for their children. Parents also play an important role in helping develop social and cognitive emotions and directing positive things from a young age.

By providing a friendly environment, your child will enjoy playing, exploring their environment and learning new things that can improve cognitive, social and emotional development. So that it can form a responsible and more productive person as an adult.

The best bonding experience can be obtained at the MAKUKU x Orami event with the theme Family Playdate "Let's Play & Fun with MAKUKU". This exciting activity was held to celebrate National Children's Day and invited 50 families from MAKUKU and Busy Mom communities. The series of events are as follows:

Fit and Fun with My Family

Activities that involve parents and children are physical activities in the form of zumba with the theme "Family Zumba Session". This Family Zumba Session was attended by 50 families with 3 members each. This Zumba invites parents to stretch together with children.

In this session will be guided by Zin Intan Ibest as a professional zumba instructor and accompanied by jingle from MAKUKU. This Family Zumba Session can increase closeness and strengthen family relationships and introduce the latest MAKUKU jingle. So that it can create moments of bonding interactions between mother and child.

Talkshow with Expert

Moms and dads who have questions about the effect of diaper use on the growth and development of their little ones can attend this MAKUKU x Orami talk show. The talkshow was attended by Dr. Achmad Headriawan, SpA as a pediatric expert and Melisa Yunisafina, M.Psi as a child psychologist with the theme The Impact of Diaper Rash, Can Hinder Children's Growth and Development. In this talk show, we will discuss diaper rash and child growth and development in accordance with the physical as well as mental and emotional side of the child.

MAKUKU SAP Diapers Product Demo

On this occasion, MAKUKU will also provide education about the importance of anti-clump diapers with SAP (Super Absorbent Polymer) technology. MAKUKU invited 3-5 mothers to experience the softness sensation of MAKUKU diapers and prove MAKUKU's anti-clumping by shaking the diapers together.

Melisa Yunisafina, M.Ps, Child Psychologist, explained, "Ensuring the physical and psychological needs of children are met. First, you have to ensure comfort for the child, if the child has started to be cranky, you can see what makes him uncomfortable from his wet diaper. For example, there is a diaper rash and that is something that needs to be considered in terms of comfort. The second is psychological needs, how the child feels safe with attention and affection from his parents".

Dr. Welli Hamik Sp.A, Pediatrician explains, "Preventing diaper rash can support children's early growth and development.  The danger of diaper rash for your child

If not treated properly and immediately it can hamper the growth and development of the child. As well as being able to provide discomfort then inhibit the movement of the child, provide pain around the thigh fold and the most severe can interfere with the ability to walk. Tips to prevent diaper rash first is the importance of maintaining cleanliness every time there is urine or feces should be cleaned immediately and the diaper is changed to avoid contact with residual feces and urine.

In choosing diapers, we must be smart to choose diapers that are highly absorbent, free of irritants, and have good adhesive power."

Dad Kiki Helviawan & Moms Cila Cestyakara Medya, shared their experience during the event, "Today's event was really exciting and thank you very much to MAKUKU and Orami for facilitating us and making us one family playdate and being able to play and meet other families. For MAKUKU products themselves, in my opinion, they are more durable and for the little ones, they don't make rashes. Even this MAKUKU product never leaks and makes it free to do activities every day.  Zyora Ilianna Faza (33 Months) looks happy and carefree without being cranky while doing solid activities. For all moms and dads, let's switch to MAKUKU now, MAKUKU is more efficient and more economical".

Dad Rizky Mulyana and Mom Indriyani Noviyanti who have older children said, "Regarding this event, we gave a positive response, it's really exciting that we can get free consultations, there is a playground and it doesn't make baby Kirey Zianaya (11 months) fussy so we have more fun in this playdate event. We currently believe in MAKUKU, initially our little one had diaper rash drama and we were not using MAKUKU at that time. Finally we got a recommendation so we changed to MAKUKU. As a result, to this day our child has no more diaper rash drama. MAKUKU diapers do not clump and keep your little one's skin dry and do not cause diaper rash. So for moms and dads out there, please switch to MAKUKU. Now everyone can use MAKUKU because it has become a good cheap and economical diaper".

Jason Lee, CEO of MAKUKU Indonesia explained "The presence of MAKUKU in this Playdate event provides an interesting experience for parents and children. Considering MAKUKU is here to help the problem of clumpy diapers when your little one is actively moving. Clumpy diapers tend to make your little one lazy to move which can result in stunting the precious growth and development of your little one. Through this activity, MAKUKU hopes to better understand the needs of our little ones and continue to innovate with other quality products. At the same time, MAKUKU also introduces a new jingle that is more cheerful and meaningful".

MAKUKU's New Jingle, as an Expression of Family Love

The lyrics of the latest MAKUKU jingle was created as a form of expression of love from the little ones to their parents. Where his parents have given MAKUKU the best anti clump diapers during his childhood growth period. Providing the best diapers for your little one is one of the responsibilities of parents in supporting their growth and development. The right and quality diapers will provide the comfort and protection needed by babies or toddlers. With cheerful music, MAKUKU still educates about SAP technology contained in MAKUKU SAP Diapers.

MAKUKU, Affordable Diapers with Amazing Quality

In supporting the realization of your little one's growth and development with the best experience, MAKUKU always presents economical products that can reach all mothers in Indonesia. This time MAKUKU, which is designed with SAP technology, comes with its mainstay features, namely anti-clumping, super thin super absorbent and special Belly Button U-Shape feature for newborns.

Now, after knowing the advantages of SAP technology used in MAKUKU SAP Diapers Comfort Fit, also know what are the beneficial features offered by MAKUKU SAP Diapers Comfort Fit below:


Clumping diapers have absorption at only one point. This means that the liquid absorbed by the diaper does not spread to the entire surface of the diaper and is only absorbed at one point. This accumulation of liquid is what makes diapers clumpy, heavy and fall off. As well as making the surface of the diaper moist and wet so that the growth of bacteria and fungi that trigger diaper rash can multiply quickly.

Therefore, choosing diapers with high absorbency and anti-clumping is highly recommended. MAKUKU SAP Diapers Comfort Fit, the pioneer of anti-clump diapers with SAP structure core without any mixture of pulp or wood fiber. MAKUKU SAP Diapers Comfort Fit does not clump, absorbs evenly and keeps the surface dry which effectively reduces diaper rash.

And MAKUKU is currently awarded by MURI (Museum Record Indonesia) as an anti-clump diaper with SAP (Super Absorbent Polymer) core structure facility. With this, MAKUKU is increasingly trusted for its product capabilities and can provide comfort to your little one in activities.

Super thin super absorbent

Many people think that thick diapers can absorb better than thin diapers. This is broken by the presence of MAKUKU SAP Diapers Comfort Fit diapers which have a thickness of only 1.6 mm as thin as a coin but maximum absorption. This super thin super absorbent diaper is so light that babies will be more comfortable using thin diapers.

By using a thin diaper, the baby will not inhibit the baby in moving and make the baby comfortable in activities. Mom and dad babies can freely move around exploring without fear of diaper rash.

Belly button U shape

The rest of the baby's umbilical cord will remain attached and then fall off by itself within 7-14 days, it can be faster or slower. The cord will turn black, harden and dry. As long as the umbilical cord has not fallen off, parents must take care and pay attention to its health and cleanliness. Because, the umbilical cord can experience infection if exposed to friction with diapers.

This does not need mom and dad to worry anymore, because MAKUKU SAP Diapers Comfort Fit has a special belly button u shape for newborns size NB. This belly button U shape is an arch design on the front made of cut non-woven fabric. This U-shaped arch is so that the diaper waistband does not come into contact with the navel. So that it can avoid the newborn's navel, reduce friction on the navel and protect the newborn's navel.

For more information about MAKUKU SAP Diapers products, the latest MAKUKU promos and events, visit the official website at makuku.co.id and don't forget to follow Instagram @makuku.indonesia.official. (BN-PR/MKK)





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