

written by : MAKUKU - 22 Nov 2022

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Most babies will experience diaper rash at least once, even with Super Absorbent Polymer (SAP) diaper technology and frequent diaper changes. In most cases, mild diaper rash will go away within a few days with simple treatment, and your baby's skin will return to normal.

One way to overcome this is to use brand of anti-irritant. Find out more about what causes diaper rash, what the symptoms are, and how you can treat the condition as quickly as possible and prevent it from recurring.

What is a Diaper Rash?

Diaper rash is a common condition that usually forms when the sensitive skin around a baby's diaper area is in contact with urine or stool for too long.

Diaper rash can make baby's skin red, very tender, and scaly. With proper treatment, it usually goes away in three or four days. However, if the diaper rash doesn't improve within a few days, or, if it gets worse, contact your baby's healthcare provider for guidance.

Protecting your baby from diaper rash means changing his diaper regularly. In addition, make sure you have used anti-irritant diapers. One brand of anti-irritant pampers is MAKUKU Air Diapers.

What Causes Diaper Rash?

Even with frequent diaper changes, diaper rash can still occur. In the next section we explain some of the causes of diaper rash and the situations in which it may occur.

Diaper Rash Caused by Irritants

The most common cause of diaper rash is skin irritation caused by:

  •  prolonged contact with urine or
  • feces   about diarrhea, which can put the skin in contact with watery
  • stools   teething, which causes an increase in saliva products and swallowing a lot of saliva, which can affect the
  • stool   tight diapers or tight clothing that causes friction or friction.

 What to look for: Pink or red patches in the diaper area. The groin folds will usually look normal.

 What to do: Be sure to change your baby's diaper regularly, keep the diaper area clean, and apply diaper cream. It's also a good idea to look for anti-irritating diapers and use diapers that are highly absorbent.

Diaper Rash Yeast Infection in Babies

Another common cause of diaper rash is a yeast infection, due to an overgrowth of yeast located in the digestive tract. In some cases, the same fungus that causes thrush, candida, may be responsible for your baby's diaper rash.

 This type of yeast infection can occur if your baby has a weakened immune system, which can lead to an overgrowth of the candida fungus.

 Yeast infections can sometimes develop after your baby finishes antibiotics or if you take antibiotics while breastfeeding. Antibiotics don't differentiate between good and bad bacteria, kill both types of bacteria, and these can cause yeast infections or cause diarrhea, which irritates the diaper area.

 What to look for: Shiny red blotches with sharp edges. In fact, there may be pink bumps or pimples, sores, or cracked skin that oozes or bleeds. Fungal diaper rash is often more severe when it appears in your baby's groin folds, and this is another indication that it may not be your standard diaper rash.

 What to do: If you suspect this type of diaper rash, call your baby's healthcare provider, who may prescribe a topical antifungal cream. Be sure to wash your hands before and after changing diapers to prevent the spread of mold.

Bacterial Diaper Rash in Babies

Though rare cases, diaper rash can be caused by a bacterial infection called impetigo, which is caused by staph or strep bacteria. This can cause a diaper rash or make an existing diaper rash worse.

 What to look for: A strep infection will often show up as bright red skin around your baby's anus, whereas a staph infection may show up as a yellow crusting, weeping, or pimple.

 What to do: If you believe your baby's diaper rash may be caused by a bacterial infection, see your baby's healthcare provider for diagnosis and treatment. Do not use an over-the-counter antibiotic ointment to treat diaper rash, unless recommended by your pediatrician.

 If you believe your baby's diaper rash may be caused by one of these conditions, or if you're not sure what's causing the rash, see your child's healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Diaper Rash Treatment and Prevention

The steps for treating diaper rash and preventing it are very similar. So if you want to know how to get rid of diaper rash and how to help prevent it from recurring in the future, follow these guidelines:

Change your baby's diaper regularly. If your baby's diaper is wet or dirty, change it immediately. Moisture from a soiled diaper can quickly cause diaper rash, because urine contains irritants, as do digestive enzymes in stool. This simple solution is the best way to clear up or prevent diaper rash.

 Use diaper cream. Apply a thick layer, such as cake icing, diaper rash cream or ointment containing petroleum jelly or zinc oxide. This will keep your baby's delicate skin protected by forming a barrier against moisture.

 Look for varieties that are fragrance-free. Some of the top diaper rash creams are formulated with organic and natural ingredients, if you so desire.

 Keep your baby's skin clean. Use alcohol and fragrance-free wipes. Alternatively, you can clean your baby's skin with water and a non-soap/gentle cleanser, which can reduce irritation if your baby already has diaper rash.

 Use a spray bottle or spray on severe diaper rashes and try not to rub the rash. Gently pat the skin dry and let it dry on its own. Apply a thick layer of barrier paste to the diaper area before putting on a new diaper.

 Use anti-irritant diapers. In addition to doing the three things above, it would be better if you look for an anti-irritant brand of pampers, so that irritation/rash can be prevented in the first place. There are many brands of pampers that you can choose from, one of which is the MAKUKU Air Diapers brand.

 You need to know that diaper rash can cause your baby discomfort, make sure you choose Pampers brand anti-irritation early on to avoid the room. MAKUKU Air Diapers are the answer. MAKUKU Air Diapers as one of the best diapers because it has a super thin with maximum capacity. In addition, this diaper has anti-clotting absorption stability. MAKUKU Air Diapers also have fast absorption capabilities, with a 3D structure and no good osmosis, so that air circulation is good so that your little one becomes more comfortable.  

You can get MAKUKU Air Diapers at baby supply stores near you or at several e-commerce stores such as Shopee and JD.ID.







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